Chapter 11

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For those of you down in the comments, who's your favourite Amphibia character? Mine's Marcy.



Right after River showed up, I was immediately intrigued. I mean, I met a lot of newts in Newtopia but I don't recall ever seeing this particular one. He came up to us, introduced himself, then we instantly started bonding. Anne and Sasha gave us some space, since they're probably still wary of River, but I know they'll come around eventually!

Or at least, I hope they will. He's a nice guy and I can actually talk with him! I know I can talk to the others, but that's mostly just them listening to stuff they don't understand. It feels good to talk with someone about something you love, and knowing that they understand what you're saying and can respond really helps too.

"Anyways, what brings you here?" I'm genuinely curious as to why he's here. I know that he said he's a big fan of us, but that gives me even more questions.

"I came because I've always wanted to meet you. You're basically my role model!" 

"Well, ok, I knew that, but how did you know we were here? I mean, we literally came just a few hours ago!" A look of guiltiness crosses the newt's face, but was quickly replaced with a smile. "A friend asked me if I wanted to come meet you and the other humans, and I said yes because I really, and I mean really, wanted to meet you. I just didn't know how."

I look around. "Where are your friends? I don't see them anyone else new anywhere around here..." He looks unsure of how to answer this question, then gestures to the swamp surrounding Wartwood. "Somewhere in the swamp."

"Alright. But wait, who are your friends? Because all the villagers of Wartwood I know of are here, along with a few new faces. I haven't seen anyone in the short period of time I've been here leave for the swamp and never come back." Again, I point out the flaws in his explanation. There's something fishy about this.

River's face lights up. "Oh! Well, that's because they're - we're - not from Wartwood. My friends' names are Trent, Thistle and Kale. I met them a few months back, and we've grown close! Or at least, me Thistle and Trent have. I don't really know about Kale, apart from the fact that-" A look of alarm crosses him face.

"Oh, frog. I'm an idiot. I wasn't supposed to say that, sorry." I look at him, confused. First, he looks happy to tell me, then he tells me, and now he's sad that he's told me. "If you don't mind me asking, why?"

His sad eyes look up at me, then he asks, "Can I tell you somewhere more private? I don't feel comfortable sharing out in the open." I nod and we move to a quieter, more secluded are of Wartwood. Anne and Sasha have already left to go somewhere, so they probably won't mind. Probably.

What cool secrets will River reveal to me? Has something bad happened? Is he not supposed to be here? Based on his behaviour, I'd have to say that he's keeping a secret and wasn't supposed to tell me a few things. Is he a spy? It doesn't seem like it, so I don't think so.

"So, I'm supposed to be a spy." I'm silent for a moment, then start laughing. "Why are you laughing? Are you okay?" I catch my breath for a minute, then respond. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just thought to myself that you couldn't be a spy, but lo and behold, here you are."

"Well, okay, let me clarify. I'm supposed to be a spy for Kale, since we're part of a team and he asked me to, but I don't really want to be a spy, if that makes any sense. I genuinely like you! I couldn't say no to the opportunity."

I can't help but feel like River's hiding something from me, but I decide not to push it any further. After a few minutes of debating on how advanced Newtopia used to be, I ask him something else.

"Now that I think about it, why couldn't you say no to the opportunity? I mean, you could've just come here on your own, couldn't you?" Again, he looks hesitant to answer. Then he sighs.

"Well, since I've already told you a lot, why not? I come from somewhere practically unreachable from here, so that's something. Before you ask how I got here, that was all thanks to Kale. Another thing is, I don't really have a family. I used to have one, I know that, but when I got older they all... vanished. No matter what I did I couldn't find them."

"I spent a while just roaming the streets, then eventually found the others. I was poor, so I couldn't refuse a job, and as I mentioned before, I am probably one of your biggest fans." He smiles a small, sad smile.

We just sit in silence for a moment with me soothing him. We then eventually start talking again before he has to go back to his friends, and I take out Jo. (A/N: 'Jo' is the name Marcy gives to her journal for anyone who hasn't read it.) I flip through the pages, looking at all the things little 13-year-old me drew and wrote before landing on the most recent page I filled out. Turns out, that was the last page! Luckily for me, I brought another journal. I open it up and begin writing inside.

Entry 1

Hi, new journal! I finished writing in my original journal, Jo, so I'm going to continue writing in you. Jo The Second is the best I can come up with at the moment, so that shall be your new name henceforth.

So me and the girls just got back to Amphibia using a portal Terri, Jan and X made and using Anne's powers to power it, which was SO COOL since we had no idea she still had them! Watching the portal open was so cool too. Remind me to interrogate everyone involved on how they made it.

I also met a newt called River. He's cool and I can talk science and stuff with him! He ended up revealing a LOT about himself though, and he has a pretty sad backstory. I feel like he was hiding something, but I'm probably just being paranoid.

- insert Marcy doodles throughout this part -

Olivia and Yunan are doing great too! They've settled down in Wartwood and now live in this small cottage, though it doesn't look like much of a cottage from the inside. Looks more like it comes right out of a palace! Actually, it might've come right out of the palace. Who knows?

I also visited Andrias. He's blind know, so that's something. It... reopened some old wounds, but at least he's trying to become better, so maybe I can eventually forgive him someday.

That's all for now, Jo II, I'll try to update you tomorrow.


This is Marcy; I couldn't not include her journal! It will probably me mentioned a few times throughout the rest of the fanfic. It's been roughly a month since I published the first chapter, and I now have 428 reads! Thank you to everyone that's read this.

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