Chapter 4

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So there I was, thinking that this was going to be a normal night. Unfortunately for us, things are never quite normal, are they? I still have no idea what just happened. One moment I was asleep, the next I was woken up by a bright light and saw Anne there, a look of shock and horror on her face as she was somehow in her calamity form. I then woke Marcy up and after she saw her Anne promptly fainted, the light leaving her body.

"What the frog was that!?" I'm just sitting there, still in shock. Marcy on the other hand is trying to shake Anne awake, currently with no success. She keeps muttering to herself about how this could've happened, and my brain is also searching desperately for an explanation. 'Cause what the HECK just happened?

"Ack. Oh no. How...? Never mind, that's not it. Oh! I think I know why this happened now. Sasha, you're not going to like this." Okay then. Looks like I got my answer. Without waiting for me to answer, Marcy launches into her theories.

"So we just saw calamity Anne out of the blue just then. Quite literally actually, 'out of the blue'. Stop getting distracted, Marcy! ANYWAY, that hasn't happened since Amphibia, and the only reason that happened there is because of how much stress she was under! It's quite possible that during the night she might've seen or done something that either brought back memories or stressed her out to activate it."

"I was the last one to sleep, so I know she wasn't awake before, though I probably would have slept in if something happened anyway. You're a light sleeper though, which means you would've woken up. My theory is she had a nightmare of sorts, like the ones we all had when we returned home. Anne did say that they ended a while ago, so maybe our presence brought them back? But why? Arrrrg, even my theories have theories!"

Welp, consider me broken. How on Earth did she come up with all that so quickly? I know she's supposed to represent wit, but... I mean... EH? This girl is too good. I find myself blushing slightly and question why, but that isn't the problem right now. "We need to wake Anne up. Under normal circumstances I would let her sleep, but it's already 7am so what's the point? Unless, of course, you want her to have a horrible sleep schedule..."

While I'm speaking, Marcy is repeatedly shaking Anne. I, however, have a better idea. "Hold on, be right back!" I rush down to the kitchen while Marcy nods, understanding what I'm doing. I come back up with a durian in my hand and proceed to open it, shocking Anne awake with the stench. "HA! Works every time."

Anne does not seem to appreciate this. "Five more minutes!"

Me and Marcy start laughing hysterically, and Anne shoots us a dirty look. "What happened? I feel burnt out." I take a shaky breath in and try explaining what happened from my perspective. She then starts to remember and simply says, "Oh."

Marcy on the other hand bombards her with questions and possible explanations for what happened, and all Anne can do is just nod and shake her head while trying to shake away the sleepiness. Turns out Marcy was right and it was a nightmare, though neither of them are quite sure of why she had one.

Oh boy, this is going to be a long day, isn't it?


Holy frog, Holy frog, Holy frog! No way that just happened! Yeah, that whole thing was bad, but also IT WAS SO COOL!! We all thought that the whole calamity thing was over but I just realised I have NO PROOF of that and didn't Anne mention that the guardian made a perfect replica of her body I mean obviously our souls are attached to or were attached to the gems, speaking of which are they still around or are they gone for good because they were destroyed when Anne used them but her body still seems attached to them and I just realised how fast-paced my thoughts are and that there is a LOT going on. Okay. Slow down, Marcy. You got this.

After interrogating Anne, I started pacing back and forth, thinking, while Sasha used her therapist powers on Anne to get her to calm down and focus. Honestly, I also think I need to calm down and focus, but I can't bring myself to. I mean, so much just happened in such a short time, and-

Ow. Stubbed my toe. I'll deal with that later, but for now... "Hey, Marce, got any ideas yet?" Sasha and Anne are looking at me expectantly. I give them a devilish grin. "Oh, you have no idea."

After ten minutes or so of discussing my theories, I have saved the best for last. "Remember how Anne powered the portal Terri made all those years ago? Well, since Anne seems to have her powers back..."

"We could go to Amphibia." Aw, dang it. I really wanted to say that! But Anne beat me to it, and I can see that she's shaking from excitement. Can't blame her though. And I can't be mad at her either! She has these big hopeful puppy-dog eyes on and it will destroy me if she was sad.

"There is a slight problem." She's fiddling with the blanket. "These powers feel... different. I don't know how to describe it. They're the same but also not the same? To make things simple, I'm just going to say that they feel stronger and my body has matured more, so I might be able to handle it for longer while longer and pack more of a punch. I probably shouldn't overuse them though."

Ah. There they are. The sad puppy-dog eyes. I jinxed it, didn't I? I am so glad Sasha's here because she's already comforting Anne. While she's doing this, I get a text on my phone. I excuse myself and check it out.

UrLocalScienceGeekTerri: Hi Marcy! Hru? I have some really important news!

Well what do you know? Terri messages me right after this whole ordeal. I knew I was on to something! I quickly send a reply.

Mars Bar: Hi! I'm fine, but oh my frog, something just happened that I can't even begin to explain.

I wait for her reply and soon we are just going with the flow.

UrLocalScienceGeekTerri: I think I can guess what it was. I was doing some experiments with the portal when I got a huge spike in my energy readings! This is the first time in 10 years since this exact thing has happened, so I figure one of u 3 activated ur powers again?

Mars Bar: Ye. It was Anne! A nightmare gave her her trauma back, which activated her calamity powers again. Still don't know how it happened :/

UrLocalScienceGeekTerri: Oh. Tell her I say hi and look forward to meeting her again pls. Also ask if u 3 can drop by the lab later. I made adjustments to the portal over the years and now it should work with only a little bit of her calamity energy.

Mars Bar: Good 2 know! And ye, I'll tell her. See you later! (Probably)

UrLocalScienceGeekTerri: Cya! XD

This is great! We might actually be going back to Amphibia! I enter the room and the girls stare at me expectantly. "Guess what, guys? It was Terri, and I think we have our ticket Back To Amphibia!"

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