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Fish stood in the middle of all the chaos.

    Sirens blared loudly. Spectating Wikians whispered amongst themselves, their hushed voices tainted with disappointment or worry. The Admins talked between one another, trying to decide Chix's fate. Again...

    Although Fish loved Chix oh so very much, he too had confused thoughts running uncontrollably around a track in his head. Thoughts like Why did he do this again? Why didn't he wait? He was so close, why ruin it now? kept echoing throughout his mind, and he couldn't find any way to stop it.

    About a month ago, both Chix and Oxygonal got blocked for causing trouble — essentially sent to jail for starting mayhem in another Wiki. The Administrators had obviously took notice of this, except their sentences were severely unfair for a crime such as this. The two, although stirring up a fair bit of disarray, were wrongly accused of vandalism, of which neither of the two ever meant to do. They were both blocked for an indefinite amount of time.

    Fish and a small group of people had tried to prove the Admins wrong in a semi-civilized way, running around and collecting evidence to appeal both of their blocks. The Admins noticed this effort and complied, changing Chix and Oxygonal's blocks to just a month.

    The Wiki seemed much quieter with those two gone. Oxygonal was relatively active on his Message Wall, making comments on posts with others as his mouthpiece. Chix, however, wasn't as active. He talked to Fish a lot, though. That's what mattered.

    But seeing Chix log onto an alternative account to tell someone off... Doing that in defense of him, his husband, Fish... That just resorted in another block. Five days before his block's time ran out, and his freedom could be reached once again.

    That's why Fish was here now.

    "Six months," Administrator BubblyBonBon announced. She placed a stern hand on Chix's shoulder.

    "What?!" Chix exclaimed, whipping around to face her. His dark brown hair swept with his head's movement. It was apparent that he wasn't pleased with this decision.

    "You heard me. Follow along." BubblyBon gestured to Chix to follow suit, leaving his side to converse with the other Admins and Wiki Staff once again.

    Chix himself sighed, irritated. It was obvious that he was fed up with all of this. He had begun to follow BubblyBon to the rest of the Admins, but Fish had leapt forward, grasping his husband's wrist.

    "Chix, wait, please," Fish exclaimed, pulling Chix back slightly. The two locked eyes for a split second before Fish asked BubblyBon: "Could I... have a moment?"

    The Admin nodded her head, granting the two men some privacy to talk. She continued walking toward the other Wiki Staff.

    "Chix, I, uh..." Fish began, clearing his throat. "I need to ask you something."

    "Yeah?" Chix replied.

    This was it. The moment Fish told Chix what he needed to. "Promise you won't forget me," he muttered, switching his grip from Chix's wrist to both of his hands. "Promise me that six months in the future, you won't forget all the stupid stuff we've done together." His grip on Chix's hands was light at first, but he noticed he was letting it get tighter.

    Chix stared at Fish with a neutral, yet heartfelt expression as his husband went on. "Promise me you'll remember who I am, even if the both of us change." Fish felt himself getting choked up now, letting out a shaky breath instead of a distressed sob. "Please..." he whispered. Fish felt himself about to fall apart, but he had to keep it together. For Chix's sake.

    "I—" Chix signed, looking away from Fish for a handful of seconds, then looking back with a soft smile. "Promise." That word, although muttered out loud, didn't quite hold the amount of emotional weight it should've.

    Something clicked in Fish's mind. Something was tugging at him, wanting to take control of his voice. An urge to speak of a possibly irrational claim. He caved in, looking at Chix sadly. "You... You didn't mean that, didn't you...?" he mustered.

    Chix perked up slightly, eyes widening in surprise. He tensed his body for a bit, then relaxed with no further comment. The rest of the world seemed to blur out — the wailing of the sirens and the chattering of everyone else seemed to slowly mute. It was just Fish and Chix now.

    When Chix didn't reply, Fish chuckled, his black hair bouncing a slight bit. "O-Ok, that's all right, yeah..." He wiped a tear from his eye. Stay strong, Fish. "I-I don't blame you, honestly. If you want to leave... Six months is a lot, after all...

   "But I didn't expect you to not be doing something else, getting attached to that, and never coming back..." Fish felt himself letting go of his calmed composure. "Well— Even if you're leaving this place for good, could you at least talk to me? Occasionally?" he asked, beginning to shake. "I barely do anything game-related unless I'm with someone... well, someone like you.

    "So for the past  — I don't even know how long — you were the only reason why I was playing things," Fish wrapped up, silent uninterrupting tears streaming down his face.

    Chix still said nothing. The noise seemed to unmute itself, everything starting to fade back into view. Wait— No, not yet. Please— I-I'm not done yet... Fish pleaded, trying to focus back in to where it was just him and Chix. It was no use.

    "All right, your time's up. Come along now," BubblyBon explained to Chix, seizing him by his shoulders and guiding him to the rest of the Admins.

    Fish wanted to object, to ask for more time. But he didn't. He couldn't. He just stood there, watching, with more tears rushing down his already-soaked face.

    Chix didn't even look at Fish as he left, sirens fading further and further away.

    Seeing Chix being driven away to be held away from everyone else, Fish couldn't help but think this whole situation was his fault. He was the one who messaged Chix, explaining to him that a Wikian was being a bit weird around him. Chix didn't think going onto the alternate account would do anything, all he wanted to do was to set that Wikian straight. And yet...

    Fish noticed his vision blurring with tears even more. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve, blinking repeatedly to try and get them to clear. Shoving his hands into his blue hoodie's pockets, he turned back, not looking at anyone as he did. That was hard to do, as he had now become the center of attention.

    Walking past the surrounding crowd of Wikians, Fish had heard his name whispered multiple times over. He wanted it to stop, but it couldn't be helped. The last thing he needed was to start up yet another Court Case.

    All he just needed to do was wait.

Word Count: 1156

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