The Player Incident - DOORS

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Requested by the one and only @SpectatorTemp! (i hate pings)
Hooray for the longest oneshot written yet! just a heads-up for the people who aren't from the DOORS Wiki, there are a couple references to "A Haunted Hotel" which is an event that was hosted by Blackie Mc. Blackerson!!! :DDD


"Finally, we catch a break!" Ambush sighed.

"Oh, stop complaining!" Rush rolled his eyes. "You barely got to do anything! You only jumped in one time!"

"You barely got any kills, anyways!" Ambush retorted. "You're one of the simplest entities to avoid!"

"Well, I oughta—"

"Stop your bickering, you two!" Seek exclaimed, interrupting the fight that was about to happen. "What matters is that all the guests in that round were rid of."

"Quite easily, too!" Halt commented. "This was probably one of the easier runs we've had."

Eyes hummed in agreement. "I've never had anybody stare at me for that long..."

"Everyone, everyone!" Guiding's voice called. "I understand your excitement of the... simplicity of this run, but we must remember that this won't be the first time these guests will come here."

"We know, we know," Rush sighed. "But, come on! We at least deserved a challenge!"

Rush's half-sarcastic, half-playful tone made Guiding roll their eyes. "Whatever, you goof. Anyways, you guys can relax for a while," they explained. "Void and I will make sure to alert you whenever new guests arrive."


The fear from the previous terror-inducing experience still lingered as CS gazed upon the entities. Surprisingly, they didn't seem hostile anymore. They seemed more relaxed — more... human.

From what CS could see, those weird entities seemed to be having a sort of conversation with the blue light. She couldn't understand anyone else there but the light. Was it the only one capable of English?

The tall one covered in black goo — Seek, the light called it — "spoke" in a low rumble. Honestly, compared to the weird screaming it had done before, this was a different change of pace.

CS had only seen Seek once. During its long and tiring chase with dodging and second-guessing. She lost two people there, and it hurt her to think about them. She rubbed the back of her calf, reaching the bandages that wrapped around her burn from that aforementioned chase. She would never forgive herself for having her friends deal with her within the perimeter of danger.

The other black one, Rush — whose name was carved into CS' mind — "spoke" with a glitched filter over its assumed-to-be sentences. Rush was a recurring experience between multiple areas — well, the ones the group reached, anyways. He was a nuisance, especially after someone died to it early on.

CS ran through the other entities she had seen, both in the Hotel (and in this weird extra room): Eyes, with their purple-indigo glow, talked in a whisper that overlapped to make something of medium volume; Halt, who honestly looked like a lamp, with its static-like noises; and Ambush, whose appearance rattled CS to the core, has its vacuum-like voice.

The only other entity she didn't see was the annoying one. What was its name — Screech, right? She hated that thing to the world below and back. She held a firm grudge against that creature, and she wouldn't let it go.

Hidden in the shadows of the separate room, CS pulled out her two small daggers from her belt. She was hesitant holding them again — after all, she did use them for more... violent purposes — but they were needed for the task at hand.

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