A Game of Guilty [Part 2] - DOORS

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A/N: Continuation of the first game, and suggested by DOORS Wikian BroICantTouchGrass.

TaroWafer: Yeah, you should be. Anyways, I guess that concludes the game; that's all the questions I asked.

CSDR: Oh. All right. Yeah, uh, you guys are free to leave. Make sure to get Hopeful some mental help or something.

Hopeful: Don't think it'd do anything, really, but okay!

(Transitioning to CantTouchGrass' game...)

Abandoning: Well, whatever. I'm glad that's over already—

(BroICantTouchGrass bursts through the spectating area.)


Taro: What the heck are you doing here?!

CSDR: (She gasps in realization.) Ohhhh, wait! I forgot, BICTG asked more questions. You're staying here, sorry.

Disbelieving, blankly: Are you serious right now?

BICTG: Yes, very much.

CSDR, to BICTG: I can't believe you either. You know what? HOST!!!
(Host exists now, her digital screen turning on.)

Host: Hiiii!!!

CSDR: Take over for me, okay? I have more questions to answer.
Host: You got it, CS! (A thumbs-up appears on her screen.)

(CSDR disappears into thin air.)

(Host grabs the microphone and begins to speak to the very confused lights.)

Host: Hello, everyone! I suppose you've heard the amount of chaos that had happened through the fancy little microphone here!

Curious, muttering: It's a bit... overwhelming...

Host: But no matter! My good-ish friend CantTouchGrass here wanted to ask you guys... eight more questions!
Hopeful: Ooh, really?
Guiding: (They sigh.) I'm concerned for CS' health...

TaroWafer: It's probably very dead because of us.

BICTG: Doesn't matter, now start answering!
Host: First question thingy: who's most likely to burn down the Hotel?

Abandoning, ecstatic: OOH! I would! I already have! Multiple times as well!
Disbelieving, agreeing: Can't say that isn't wrong, though. I've helped.

Curious: I... don't think this requires any... further discussion...

Host: Eh, pretty fair. Take it away, CTG!

BICTG: Second question: who's most likely to accidentally start a war?
Abandoning: ME! I would—

Guiding: They said "accidentally," Abandoning.

Abandoning, sassily: Okay, and? I'd do it on purpose and by accident too!

Curious: I... don't think it'd work that way...

Abandoning: Who're you to speak! (They scoff.) Part of the stupid Chaos Control, that's what you are.

Curious, offendedly: Excuse me?

Host: Children, children! Let's not fight! (She pauses.) Or do fight. Either way, this'll be exciting.

Guiding: I'd prefer it if you don't fight, thank you very much.

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