Story Trade with Originality - Starting Off...

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HIYA!!! I actually finally got this done lol

Anyways, here's some goofy ahh info that you need to know about the characters - aka my four OCs!

CS: Goofy, an emotional crybaby, and an all-around skill issue. Actually good in robotics and coding; she's the creator of Host. She's idiotic yet smart, and procrastinating is her best friend. She loves being idiotic with people she's close to. (She/They, preferably she)

Host: Playful, silly, and a very energetic show host (as the name implies). Is a robot that CS made with extra spice - as she's able to feel/experience human emotions/concepts. (Ex: she can feel pain lol.) Has two other people living inside her head for reasons that are too long for this. (She/Her)

Glitched: Malicious, sadistic, and semi-psychopathic. Actually acts chill most of the time because of a certain deal, and rarely ever shows empathy. He's one of the goofy people inside Host's head, being a computer virus that managed to get into Host's system. (He/Him)

Toxicity: Energy-filled, sassy, and overall just a bad*ss b*tch. They're a chaotic gremlin who likes to back-sass whenever possible. They like to piss off people for their own entertainment. The personification of a deadly neurotoxin that Glitched just so happened to implant into Host. They also live inside Host's head. (They/Them)

Now that the chore of introductions are over with, let's move on to the actual story thingy!

Okay, you know what? Screw it. "GLITCHED!" Toxicity yelled.

Glitched manifested his form next to Toxicity. "What in the name of all things holy do you want."

"Can we do something chaotic?" Toxicity asked, their yellow eyes shining brighter than normal.

Glitched blinked. "You called me here at 6 p.m. at night to ask that?" he said, a bit annoyed.

"Yes, of course I did! Why else would I be talking to you?" Toxicity rolled their eyes.

"I am sick and tired of you," Glitched sighed. "Well, if you wanted to blow something up... What were you thinking?"

"Uh..." Toxicity paused to think for a while. They honestly just jumped into this by impulse — no planning whatsoever. "Wait, why don't we blow up a dishwasher?"

"What." Glitched sighed once again, slightly more irritated than he was a couple of seconds ago. "Out of all things, why a dishwasher?"

"Because we can see CS' reaction once she finds it." Toxicity chuckled.

"Oh, no. We can do way worse than that," Glitched commented.

"Oh, yeah? What's that?"

"Okay, hear me out..."

"Wow, Host, it's so nice that you decided to do this for us!" CS exclaimed.

"Thank you!" Host beamed. "I just thought that we've been working so hard that we might as well give ourselves a break."

Host had set up a small picnic-like area, one that she knew CS would find a bit relaxing. She's a mortal, after all.

"Oh, girly, the only breaks I give myself are procrastinating." CS laughed. "And I'm not even supposed to do that."

Host sighed. "Procrastination is your best friend, isn't it?" she joked.

CS shrugged. "It kinda is, actually. I dunno, it's kind of like my go-to whenever I have no ideas for... anything, really."

"Honestly, I sometimes feel the same," Host replied.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, sometimes, when I'm supposed to be planning out a new show," Host began, "I shut everything off for a while, and hang with Glitched and Toxicity for a while."

CS nodded. "I feel you. Speaking of those goofy goobers, where are they? I haven't seen them all day."

As if on cue, Toxicity and Glitched come crashing down through the roof.

(yeah srry if it's short- writer's block just came into my house uninvited. go finish this, Originality!!!)

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