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"So we'll just go missing or die if we break any of these rules?!"

"At least you're not living here."

At first the rain was light, but then it quickly progressed worse. There wasn't time anymore for them to just walk and look around unless they wanted to be drenched. So, they ran.

"Hah.. do you see anything??" Ink asked, becoming more out of breath the more they ran. Blue squinted at the buildings.

"No I don't—"
"There!" Ink exclaimed, pointing at a brick building with a sign that, well to be honest, Blue only paid attention to the inn part and not the actual name of it.

They both rushed inside so they could be out of the rain. However they noticed that it was totally empty in the inn except for one person that was sitting at a table and was looking out through a window. Ink walked up to the front desk to check in while Blue had decided to talk to the new person.

"Hello there!" Blue greeted, watching the fox monster turn around and—oh wait that's not a fox monster. Ehh... should he really be questioning the skeleton about having fox ears and tail? He'll just leave it up to being magic or something like that. Skeletons with magic hair apparently exist, even if it looks kind of weird, so... okay he should probably stop thinking about this.

"Hello," The skeleton slightly waved in return, "the rain caught you too huh?" Blue nodded.
"Yeah, but that's okay! Are you also visiting here?"
A shake of their head, "I live here. I forgot my umbrella at home and well, the rain came so suddenly I had to go into the nearest place that could offer shelter. It's not good to be out in the pouring rain, not even for a short time."

Before Blue could respond, Ink approached the two skeletons.
"Oh well hello there!" He seemed more cheery with having a new person to meet, "What are you two talking about?"

"Oh well they're just saying how it's not good to be out in the pouring rain, not even for a short time."
Ink tilted his head to the side "Isn't that just—" THUD! Something loudly thudded against the window, promptly shutting Ink up.

The skeleton awkwardly half smiled "That's why." Blue and Ink looked out the window to see a tall hunched over thing with long arms that almost reach the ground be right in front of their window. It had one single eye in middle of its face and had mouths running across its chest. More could be said but it had walked out of sight.

Okay okay, no way Ink would create something like that.

The skeleton spoke up, gaining their attention again. "There's some rules you're going to have to follow if you're going to stay here for a bit. Or at least enough to experience some more rain. Although can I get your names before explaining..? Mine is Cimon." The two other skeletons nodded before introducing themselves to Cimon. After introducing themselves, Ink and Blue looked at each other. How long exactly are they going to stay here?

"Ah well just know real quick that they only come out when it rains, and also that if you break any of these rules, you'll.. well no one really knows what happens to you. You'll just get dragged away by them to somewhere unknown, who knows what they'll do then."

Blue nervously smiled.

How comforting.
Ink stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouth, completely focused on what he was writing down on his scarf. Meanwhile Blue looked at Cimon with an incredulous look.
"So we'll just go missing forever or die if we break any of these rules?!"

"At least you're not living here." Cimon glanced outside before looking back to the duo, "You two are only visiting, so maybe you won't have to go through with the rules all that much? Then again the rain is rather unpredictable here."

"Even with the weather broadcasts?" Ink asked as he looked up from his scarf, only to receive a confused look from Cimon.
"What.. is that?"

"Do you not have a TV or at least a device to check the weather..?" Blue looked just as confused as Cimon.

Ink turned around and almost threw up black ink but held it in. "Nope I did not make this universe at all." He said with a hand over his mouth.

Sorry that this chapter was a little short, my mind is pulling a lot of blanks right now. And also sorry for being bad at writing dialogue-

Oh but uh quick question, how do you all feel about the story so far? Sorry if it feels a bit off, I haven't really developed a story so far before, usually I barely get to as much chapters as now before discontinuing or something. I also don't really have the whole thing where you have the beginning, middle, and end of story somewhat written down. Don't be too harsh on me?

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