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"Don't trust the rain."

Blue didn't really know what to do.

On one hand, he's alive and well along with Ink! It has to mean that there's a big possibility the others are also alive!

    On the other hand.. he's with Ink, the skeleton (that with Dream's oh so great help) he found he had betrayed in more than just being a spy. Now they're in some new AU! Which, he thought that they all fell in the void? He'll have to figure that one out later, for now, THE MAGNIFICENT BLUE WILL PRIORITIZE LIVING IN THIS FOREIGN LAND AND FINDING HIS FELLOW SANSES!
Oh and there's Ink too.

    He turned to look at Ink, having looked away at some point during his inner monologue. Ink was just staring off into the distance, his eye-lights quickly changing through colors. Blue was about to step forward, to ask Ink if he was doing okay, if he needed a hug. But that part of your relationship is gone now, right?

Ink managed to snap out of the staring before walking in a random direction. It only took a couple seconds for Blue to process it before quickly hurrying after Ink.
"Hey! Where are you going?"
"Somewhere." Ink responded as he continued walking through the plains that seemed to last forever.

Oh there has to be a path somewhere right?? It can't just be plain grass!



Except it was just plain grass.
"Ink, do you recognize this AU?"
"..No, I don't."

Then the awkward silence kicked in. The only sound heard around them was the birds chirping, any bugs buzzing nearby, and most of all the grass crunching beneath their feet. That was until Blue spotted something in the distance. He squinted heavily, putting a hand above his eyes as he tried to figure out if it really was what he was thinking... and it was!

"There's a town over there!" Blue exclaimed right as he figured out what it was, pointing at it. Ink looked over, following the direction of Blue's finger before also managing to spot it.

"Why were we looking for one again?" Ink asked as a confused expression took over his face. Well.. at least he's being more expressive to Blue now? It's kind of his thing anyways.
"Why because we need shelter! At least for the day before we leave and find our friends." Blue explained.

Oh, right. They're Blue's friends, but not Ink's. At least, the people he's thinking of. A curious expression flashed on Blue's face. Who else is here? Ma- Rhmmm
His thoughts were interrupted by both of their stomachs rumbling.
"Let's just go over there.."



The grass seemed more wet as if it had just rained not too long ago. It also smelled like wet dirt too. As the two got closer, they realized that the town had a path that lead to an even more farther city. How they could tell? Well there was a vague outline of one.

"There isn't a lot of monsters out. I wonder why?" Ink commented as the two arrived at the town. Blue looked around and Ink really was right. There only seemed to be at least two handfuls of residents out, but they seemed to be quickly heading home.

"Maybe it's going to rain again?" Blue guessed after taking a look at the dark, cloudy sky. Ink quickly nodded in agreement before looking around at the town. The buildings were made of darker colored materials or paints with a few popping out with using colors such as white or pastels. The two began walking to get a closer look, they needed to find a place to stay and also get something to eat.

Then it started to rain.

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