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Jimin's POV:
After what happened, Luna left and said that once we are all done we should head down to the kitchen.

We all decided to choose rooms and pick up some clothes to change after we take a bath.

I was surprised to see how she reacted. At first I thought she was mad and gonna hurt Jin hyung but we were shocked to see the way she looked at him. We somehow saw pain in her eyes, mixed with anger and something I can't decipher. I pouted. She even hugged him, I also want a hug.


Aside the hug, I'm curious about her, like she's been through the same experience, or maybe worse.

There are few things we know about her because the twins didn't really talk much about her, just how she takes good care of them and their little brother. She is somehow a mystery and she just have a faint scent unlike the kids, Sehun smells like oranges, Soyeon smells like sunflowers and Minho smells like baby powder with a pinch of dark chocolate. However for Luna, she smells nothing but her body wash that doesn't eventually lasts, but with a faint rose scent. A rose that is almost dying. It's some how mind boggling for all of us hybrids, but we don't know why she doesn't have a scent. And we don't even want to ask her since we might freak her out or weirded her out.
"Minnie, you done baby? The others are going down to the kitchen." Taehyung ask, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Just a minute. I'll just gonna rinsed up." I said loudly and rinsed properly, then after that I put on the clothes I picked. It's a plain black sweatpants and plain black sweater, with some gray socks. I sigh.

After a very long time, we all finally had a shower and roof in our heads. I wish this won't go away fast... hopefully.

I went out of the bathroom and saw Tae and Jungkook laying on the queen size bed, staring at the ceiling, holding hands. I smiled and immediately jumped on bed.

"What are you two thinking of?" I ask. Squishing myself between them as I hug them both on their waists.

"Nothing... it's just..." Jungkook trailed.

"What? Tell me baby." I coaxed, kissing his cheeks. He just smiled, with his infamous bunny-like smile.
"It's just that Jungkook and I were thinking about Luna, the way she talked, the way her eyes express something I can't put to words. I'm so curious. Plus I can't even smell her. None of us can't." Taehyung said with a heavy sigh.

"I know babe, I also notice that. Especially, her scent is indistinguishable, as if she's hiding from something or someone." I said.
"She's a mystery and I can't help but get into her. I don't know about you guys and the other hyungs but I have this pull to be around her. I want... no... scratch that... I need to be with her." Jungkook stated with a frown in his face.
"I second that, especially the time we touch hands with her. Hobi hyung said that he felt weird, as if he'll jump on her right then and there. I also feel like embracing her and smother her with my scent. I don't know, this is messed up." Taehyung tsked, and looked at me, his thinking face visible enough for me to know that he might be thinking the same like me. But better not to say it out loud infront of Jungkook.
"Luna reminds me of Moon."
Taehyung and I were shocked with what our baby mate said. It's been so long since we heard the name 'Moon' from him. So long that I can't even remember when. I was the first to get out of shock and cleared my throat.


"I... Kookie, love..."

"I'm okay Chimmy, it's just.... it really feels like Moon. What I said when we were young still stands for me, she'll never leave us. And this is it. She's back. She found us....again." I hugged him as his eyes glistened, tears rolled down his left cheek.

I just stared at Taehyung, while he rubs his thumb on Kookie's knuckles.


"But... she's gone. We saw it with our own eyes. The fire, the explosion, the... the bracelet she wore before... she--" Taehyung said rumbling. Eyes also glistening, pain evident in the eyes.

"I know what we saw, I may be the youngest but everything was clear for me, everything was crystal clear, bu-but I just can't help but hope. Hope that she's alive. Because she promised that. That she'll never leave us, she'll never leave... me." Jungkook said tears never stop falling.

I just embrace him tight as I can until I just heard hiccups and deep breaths.
"You okay now baby?" I asked Jungkook and he nodded.

"I know you how you feel Kookie... babe, it's superficial but I get it. And I also feel it. I just don't want any of us to get hurt if the its not true. We've been observing her for a while now, I know the others also feels it but don't want to het hurt. I don't want anyone of us getting hurt again, especially Namjoon hyung and you. We already lose her, I can't also lose you both again." Taehyung said, tears rolling down his face. I moved to him and cupped his face, wiping the tears with my thumb.

Jungkook didn't say anything and just stood up  going to the door.


"I understand you're all just looking after me, but for once can you listen to me? Because she did... always. And now I want to listen to her, because she promised that to us. She'll never leave me, nor anyone of you. So might as well have faith in her." Jungkook said, back on us, holding the doorknob tight and then going outside.

I sighed. Staring at my baby tiger. Eyes close, tears still falling.

"We'll find a way. We'll know if what Kookie's saying is true or not. But you and I know the answer already, I still don't want to get ahead of it. Because we still can't smell her." Taehyung just nodded and wipe his face.

"Come on let's go to the kitchen, we don't want them to wait."
I stand up, pulling Taetae up and kiss his soft red lips.

"I love you Taetae."

"I love you too Minnie"

I hope starting this day, everything will slowly be in its own place.





Thank you for those who added this book to their reading lists and to those who are giving a vote. I highly appreciate that.

It's 500+ reads now.
Thank you very much. Honestly, I just really wrote this because of boredom and my brain is gonna explode if I didn't write it the way the book wants it to be written.

See you on the next update Snowies.

Keep safe and stay hydrated.



❤ Snowiiebits ❤

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