Too late?

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Scurying the grocery was a wild fest, it looked like one of those apocalyptic shows where everyone goes haywire and brutal. But thank the heavens it wasn't that morbid at all.

We bought feasible amount of meat, chicken and fish. Vegetables and fruits. Some bread, snacks and chips. And the kid's milk and favorite snacks. I also bought some extra hygiene kits such as toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, some hybrid friendly shampoo and conditioner and even some lotions and bath bombs. Don't ask me why? But it never hurts to be prepared. And since I decided to tell Yeonjun secretly, that I'll invite the hybrids at home, he suggested that I get them their own clothes and slippers. Which I gladly do so, I made sure that I got those soft and comfy pjs and shirts, as well as sweatpants and shorts. I was currently looking for boxers and briefs. I guess I gotta 'wing it' on that part. Maybe not too big or small, maybe just get 3 sets of medium and large. Yeah. Maybe that will do, I hope.

As I'm almost done, I made my way to the foot apparel section and winged up a bunch of synthetic fur coat slippers for inside the house and some slides for the backyard.

"And we're all set. Ready to pay?" I asked as I push 2 big carts with the help of Sehun. Yeonjun on the other hand has Minho in the baby seat of the shopping cart wideawake, looking everywhere and Soyeon on the cart sitting pretty while eating a cookie she saw at the bakery aisle. Along with the snacks that we picked.

"Yep. Yours or mine?" He asked.

"Let's take mine since you used yours last time we had grocery." I said and handed him my black card. He gave me the car keys so I can park up infront of the store and can easily place the groceries.

I took Minho with me, so I can put him already on his carseat. I went outside and decided to get some cold and flu medicines first at the pharmacy near by. Craddling Minho hiding his face on my chest, I carefully sprinted to the pharmacy as it was getting colder the minute we stay outside. I picked up some medicines I need, when my eyes landed on a certain product. Ointment for wounds and smoothening and cool gels for scars. Maybe this could help their dry and calloused hands and scars?

I bought five of each and paid after. As I approached the truck I can slowly feel the cold temperature rising even more. Flash of previous events came to me but I pushed it away before it even spread out like a wild fire. I carefully sprinted towards the car, still cradling Minho and the paper bag of medicines. Unlocking the car, I immediately settled Minho into his seat and pump up the car, warming it a bit. Before rounding up to the entrance of the grocery and waited for the three to come out. I gave Minho his pacifier since he was fussing.

After a few minutes, I saw Soyeon  running up to the truck. I went out and carefully help her seat beside his little brother.

"I'm gonna help Uncle Yeonie and Sehun with the bags, okay? Stay with Minho." I said and she answered me with Yes.

I cooed internally at how cute Sehun was holding a big plastic bag of snacks since it was the only one he can really carry.

"Thank you my little ironman" I said proudly at Sehun after we put all the groceries at the back of the car, and he shyly smiled at me.

"Everyone settled? Yes. Then of we go home." I said after we all settled inside the car. It was a slow safe travel on the way home. And when we got home I looked at my watch and it was already 10 pm. Damn. Time is indeed fast when not seen.



As we all got in our pajamas and a few snacks after the grocery trip, I put the kids to bed. Yeonjun was freshening and fixing the 5 guestrooms and I check up on the clothes for the hybrids that I washed, all dry and warm for all of them. I immediately folded the shirts, pjs, sweatpants and shorts, then hang up the jackets and sweaters to put on one of the guestrooms. I'll let them decide on which can take which room it is.

"All done and tidy. I'm ready to go. Did you set up the nanny cam yet?" Yeonjun said smiling all geared for the short travel to the woods.

"Yeah. The tablet is on the living room table. I'll just get dress and get some extra sweaters and socks and shoes for them since we'll walk home." I answered lowly, slightly nervous. What if they didn't come with us?

"Hey. You okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm just nervous, what if they didn't come?"

"Oh. Nonsense. They'll never say no to that face. And besides  they know the kids. It's high chance of possibility. You don't have to worry." Yeonjun assured.

"I hope so." I said and went on to get dress.

After that we started our short travel to the woods, stepping outside and locking the backdoor, flashlight on my right hand, baby monitor in my left pocket and a backpack full of warm soft and thick socks and snow boots. Yeonjun carrying a backpack full of jackets and coats and a load of waterproof, battery operated clip lights to put onto the branches as a light source guide way home. Smartass!

"You remember the way right?"  Yeonjun said loudly as the snow breeze howls making it hard to hear. I just nodded and walk up to the direction where I saw them with the kids earlier.

"Taetae??? Hobi??? Kookie??? Hello? Are you guys still here?" I shouted.

I tried to look around every now and then, and continued walking even though it started to get harder to see. I really need to find them and move them to safety. PRONTO.

On the other hand, Yeonjun was sticking up a light clip everywhere they go when he heard a faint whimper and sob somewhere near him. He used the flashlight on his head that you use for mining and looked around the bushes and there he saw someone, laying down, hugging his tail, shivering as he was covered with snow and red liquid coloring the snow.

Wait isn't that a..... shit!

He immediately shouted Luna's name.

"Lunaaaaa!!!! Come here!!!" I heared Yeonjun shouted, I immediately sprinted to his place near the clip lights and his bright flashlight.

"What is it Yeonju---"

I froze not because of the temperature, but I froze by the sight in front of me. It was one of the hybrids earlier. The one with sharp cold eyes. What's his name again? Yoo... Yoonji? No. Yoo... YOONIE! Right! His all covered in snow and.... blood.


I went towards them and kneeled, I ripped out a piece of my scarf as he was bleeding out by his legs. By the looks of it, he was bitten by an unknown creature. He whimpered by the sudden contact. I tried talking to him softly as I patch him up in someway.

"Hey. Yoonie. Remember me from earlier? I'm Soyeon and Sehun's aunt. I'm here with my brother, Yeonjun. We're here to get you all to safety okay?" He just whimpered as a response. I took some socks out and put it gently on his feet and Yeonjun took out a sweater, scarf and a beanie for him. We dressed him carefully not wanting to strain his injured shoulder. With another scarf and a thick branch I  found elsewhere, I made him a makeshift cast so that he won't hurt himself more.

"Yoonie, Yeonjun will carry you okay? We will go find the others. Do you know where they are?" I asked softly as I rubbed his safe shoulder.

"Tree... house.... big... tree..." Yoonie mumbled.

I took the backpack from Yeonjun, as he carried Yoonie carefully. I placed a few heatpads that I brought, on Yoonie's cast and hands. I also put some on Yeonjun's pants and coat pockets.

With Yeonjun's headlights tied to his head and me holding two flashlights and two backpacks, one on my back the other on my front. We went deeper into the woods to find the others. I just hope that we weren't too late.


Fluffy Ears and Tails 🔞 (BTS HYBRID AU)Where stories live. Discover now