Family Meeting

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After settling in at home, with my fake stern and serious face, I ordered the twins to wash their hands properly and wear warm comfy clothes and get in the living room for a family meeting. They stared at me for a few seconds before rushing upstairs to their bedroom. I just made a sly smirk at their reaction knowing well that they thought I'd scold them. However, I'm up for a better treat for them.

I went to the living room taking off my coat and placing Minho on his baby chair, putting on some Paw Patrol in a low volume, as he suckle his blue pacifier.

After a few minutes, they went down and settled in the two-seater sofa and I sat beside it on a single one. Their heads were hung lowly, both fiddling with their thumbs. Cute.

I cleared my throat first before speaking.

"I'm not mad."

"You're not?" They both said in unison. Surprise sketch onto their faces. They know I rarely get mad at them and that's why they get nervous when it happens.

I shake my a head a no.

"I'm surprised but not mad. Even more I immediately realize that this was the reason why the thermos and picnic blankets were magically missing when Soyeon said something before we left." I said smilling at them.

"They were starving and cold. They can't pick up those berries and nuts elsewhere because of the snow." Sehun pouted, flash of distress can be seen from them both as he stated it lowly. And with that I felt sad and happy at the same time. Happy because of how kind and caring these kids and sad that those seven males had to suffer with the weather.

Hybrid law is acknowledged nowadays, yet not everyone practices it. Hence, there are still underground rings and prostitution lurking. I had many cases before I had to leave for a while... but let's not get on to that side of the story yet.

"I want to ask you both some question, and answer me honestly and clearly. I won't get mad, in fact I want to help. Arasseo?"

"Ne, mommy" Sehun said.

"When did you guys met them?"

"A week after we move in here." Sehun replied.

"Okay. So, they are the ones you  call kitty friends?"

"Yes. They are cute right? Even though Yoonie doesn't want to be called cute. He still is cute tho." Soyeon shared.

"Yoonie? Which one is he?"

"The one with the cat-eyes and pale skin." Soyeon.

Oh. I see. The cold guy with very scary looks. Yoonie... cute name.

"Okay. Now, you both took those blankets and extra thermos, right? My bag of bbq chips? And some fruits and bread? And even my favorite blanket?" They both nodded, not looking at me in the eyes. Braising theirselves for a whole full of scolding.

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