Chapter 2, "First Week With One Another."

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Brown Cameraman's POV,

I stand up and stretch a little. And look to the surroundings we are in..

An Empty rundown bunker.. Probably perfect for a base of operations.. I'm not aiming for revenge... for now.. But survival.

I began by sweeping the floors with Headphones..

We came up with that name after she started wearing Headphones.

Headphones was helping me by using her speaker head to send a Soundwave which pushed the dust out the door. Eventually we started wiping everything clean. I find a blowtorch and welded the open holes closed with metal scrap and steel scrap I found outside..

I started dismantling the metal toilets. And began using the metal to form knives for the both of us.

Eventually I can across a Jetpack Toilet once more and dealt with it easily using the element of surprise.

I give it to Headphones and began trying to fly together. She was a quick learner.. I'll give her that..

I've been noticing that "zip" sound has been around more often that usual.. Flying nearby leaving stuff for us..

I'd like to thank him or her.. I flew around the city dealing with small helicopter toilets and even some rocket wielding ones..

But I usually avoid the UFO Toilets.. But lately they have been attacking other Toilets..

What's happening? I'd rather not know at this point..

I flew back to Headphones who was stitching my suit back together. I sit down next to her and turned on the TV we watch some random cartoon about a fry cook and his pal running around the bikini bottom.

We enjoy each other's company..

We then hear some static..

Radio Static?

We turn around and see a small Radio headed android running towards us from a yellow portal. The Portal closed immediately. We just stare at the Radio Child who had static playing from his Radio.

We walk over and Headphones picked him up like any other child and hugged him. Radio hugged back.

As such began our parenting journey.

And goddamn was it hard. Radio kept on running off using his Portal Ability constantly. Luckily I was able to find him and a couple of other things..

Like Clocks..

Lots of Clocks..

I've noticed the clocks merging with my body.. It didn't seem to do anything but make my camera lens glow yellow.

Along side the fact I've found out..

I could stop time.. It was for a few seconds but those seconds are enough to flush anything or damage someone enough..

With everything frozen.. The Concept of friction, The Concept of air resistance..

Every concept apart from Space, Matter, and Time are frozen..

It was insane in usage. But it had a long cooldown and I need to recharge the energy for it.

So for now it's a last ditch effort for an escape or an attack. Radio has been a good child all things considered.

He helps around the bunker.. With his portals leading the trash into..

The Alliance base..


Good Boy..

Our evil plans will come to fruition!



Author's Note,

If y'all asked. Instead of an edgy villain. We gonna get Dr Doofenshmirtz.

Get ready for a slightly less battle focused fic (There will be fights and they will be detailed. But they won't appear as often.)

Anyways! Stay Tuned.

Stay Frosty!

And See you all later Software Gang!

Brown Cameraman's Villain Arc (Rewritten) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now