"mama noo!"

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idea credit goes to @RomanoffFan1

natasha woke you up nice and early today. she woke you up right at 8am. she lifted you out of bed and sat you on her hip.

"good morning детка." she said as she walked you to the bathroom. you just whined and laid your head on her shoulder. you weren't really a morning person.

after she got you bathed and put you in a little outfit, she sat you down for breakfast. you noticed how she was being different.. almost secretive. you were pretty much able to do that easily, i mean you were the child of a literal spy.

"here honey. eat up." she said as she sat a plate of bacon and cut up pancake pieces in front of you. you're favorite breakfast.

"thank you mama!" you said happily as you dug in. and when i say you devoured it, there were literally no crumbs left on the plate.

natasha then lifted you and walked to the door. she put a coat on you and walked you out to the car and put you in your car seat.

"mama? where we go?" you asked curiously as you looked out the window as she started driving.

"oh uh.. just a little trip. nothing to worry about." she smiled at you through the rear view mirror.

about 10 minutes later you arrived at the destination. you couldn't recognize it at first but once you looked around.. you realized it was a doctors office.

"mama! mama no!" you cried as you started screaming and kicking. you hated the doctors. the only person you'd let touch you when it came to medical thing was bruce, but he was on a mission right now.

"shh, shh. it's alright honey. you're okay." she cooed as she looked at you in the backseat.

you were having none of it though. you were still crying like hell. "mama no! me no want to see doctor!"

she sighed. "we're just going in for a quick shot and check up, okay? then ill take you to your favorite place for lunch okay? how does that sound?" she smiled as she looked at you.

"no!" you cried and shook your head.

"how about this, we can get ice cream after lunch if you be a good girl and behave. how's that?" she said as she got out the car and picked you up out the car seat.

you sniffled and nodded slowly. ice cream was really your weakness.


you walked out the office with a band-aid on your arm and a little plushie in your hand that you got as a prize. natasha sat you back down in your car seat and got in herself.

"see? not that bad huh?" she smirked as she started up the car.

"me no like." you murmured as you played with your little plush.

"oh? well now we can go eat, yeah?" she smiled as she glanced back at you. you just nodded happily.

natasha and little y/n storiesWhere stories live. Discover now