"like it??"

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you were up pretty early than you usually were. see, you usually got up at around 9am, 7 and the earliest, but you woke up at 4, and couldn't go back to sleep. you were sitting in your bed, not knowing what to do. usually, you would've gotten up and went to your mamas room and laid in bed with her. but, you two got in a small argument the night before about not wanting to eat dinner. that resulted in wanda putting you to bed. so, you knew if you went to your moms room she would've been mad that you were awake. (she's not good at controlling her emotions when she's angry) so, you had a amazing idea pop into your head. "a picture! i draw of picture of mama and me!" you got to work, drawing and coloring away on the paper. about 15 minutes later you looked at your masterpiece. "aww yay! it looks good!" you took the picture and started walking up to your mamas room. when you got there, you twisted the door nob and went inside. your mama was up, reading her book. "uhm, mama?" she looked up from her book and looked at you, "hm?" "look what i made!" you handed her the picture. she looked at it, then looked at you. "like it??" "aww baby! i love it!" she picked you up, "it looks amazing!" "thank you mama, it took forever" "i can tell" "so mama, can i sleep in your bed? pretty pleaseee" "since you asked so nicely, yes you can" "yayy!" you ran in her bed and laid down. she laid down besides you. "goodnight princess" "goodnight mama" you fell asleep while you were in her arms.

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