"aww! hi!"

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your mom came in your room, she had a really big surprise for you. "hey baby, guess what?" you turned around to face her. "what mama?" she walked up to you, "your auntie lena is coming over today, she. wants you to meet someone!" "ooh! that's so cool! when is she coming mama?" "she actually should be here soon" she picked you up and took you to the living room. "aw yay! i get to see my auntiee!" just as you said that, yelena came walking into the compound living room. "i'm here!" she said waking in. "AUNTIE LENA!!" you ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug. "hello y/n! i've missed you!" she picked you up, "did your mother tell you about person i wanted you ti meet?" "yeah! i'm excited!" she was walking out the compound, "well im glad you are, he's excited to meet you as well!" just as she said that, a dog came running up. "y/n, meet fanny!" "aww! hi!" she put you down and fanny ran up to you. "hi fanny!" he was playing with you, as you two ran around the front yard, your mother came out. "i see she's taken a liking to fanny." "most definitely. i think they are made for each other!" "yeah, i can see it" it was a couple of hours later, and it was your bedtime. "yelena, can you please put y/n to bed? i'm trying to clean these dishes." "yeah! come on y/n!" you ran over to her and she picked you up. fanny was following behind. "hi fanny! are you sleepy?" he barked in response. "i am too!" she walked into your room. "alright. goodnight y/n." "goodnight auntie lena! and tell mama i love her!" she said while walking out, "i will!" she closes the door, but then you saw fanny. "oh, hi fanny!" fanny hoped in your bed. "oh, did you wanna sleep with me fanny? that's okay!" you laid down, and fanny laid right besides you. "goodnight fanny!" you fell asleep. then, yelena and your mama walked in. "that's where fanny went." "she really loves him, huh?" she looked over at lena. "i guess she does. i'll have to bring him more often." "i guess so." she walked over to you and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "goodnight my love. i love you too." they both walked out.

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