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it was any normal day in new york. it was snowing, and you never had the chance to play in it before. it was always, 'maybe tomorrow' or, 'i'm busy, i can't'
but, you got a new friend, yelena, and you were definitely playing in the snow this year. if your mother couldn't play, yelena definitely could. so with your confident attitude, you walked up to your mother. "hi mama!" "hello my love, what do you need?" "i wanted to know if we can play in the snow!" "ah, i'm so sorry princess, i have to finish this paper for fury. maybe we can play later?" "okay mama!" she kissed you on the head and you ran off to find yelena. you found her watching tv. "hi auntie lena!" "hey little troublemaker! what's up?" "can you pleasee take me to play in the snow?" "of course i can! but you gotta get in the right outfit, cmon" she picked you up and took you to your room. then, she got you a puffy jacket, a long sleeve shirt, and jeans. she put all that on you and carried you outside. once she put you down you started running around. "this is so cool! i've never done this before!" "you haven't? oh i know what we can do!" "what is it?" she kneeled down and you ran besides her. "let's make a snowman!" you nodded and started rolling a ball with the snow. "that should be a good size!" yelena helped you put your ball onto the ball she rolled. "now we need a small ball for the head!" you rolled one and she helped put it on. "there! now for the decoration! do we have carrots?" you and yelena were discussing how to decorate the snowman when you hear footsteps. then, someone spoke. "i think these will do good for you guys" you turned around and low and behold, it was your mother. "mama! you came to play!" "yes i did love" she handed the stuff over to yelena and together, you, yelena, and your mother decorated the snowman. "snowman!" your mother then kneeled besides you, "do you like it?" "i love it!" then, you made a snow angel. then you all went inside to warm up.

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