"fine then!"

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it was about 4pm, and you were angry. not only were you angry, you were tired and just irritated. see, for the past couple days, your mom has been booked with mission reports and so much other stuff that she basically works the whole days. you on the other hand, were craving attention. you wanted her to hold you, play with you, etc. basically you wanted your mom to give you all the attention you could ask for. but, you didn't say anything, cause you learned the hard way how brutal she could be when she was stressed. of course she would apologize when she was done and not so stressed cause she knew you weren't doing it intentionally, and she felt bad. but today, you decided to say something. you found your mom sitting at her desk, typing away. "mama?" she didn't say anything, she just kept typing. did i mention you had gained an attitude these past couple days from the lack of attention? "mama! i know you hear me!" "excuse me? why do we have an attitude?" she basically had whipped her attention to you and not the screen. "cause, i've been asking you to play all week and you haven't played with me once!" "and i told you, i'm busy. im sorry i just have a lot of work i need to get done." "why can't you play nowww?" "i'm working." "can we please just play for a little bit? pleaseee?" "y/n, i've told you, i'm working right now and i can't play. i can play another day, just not today." "fine then!" you just stormed out the room. did i mention how dramatic you were? but anyways, you were teary-eyed. and who should you go to when you're about to cry cause of your mom? your auntie lena! so you ran to her room. "auntie lena?" you knocked on the door and she came out. "what do you need y/n- oh what's wrong?" she picked you up and took you into her room immediately. "my mama- she wont play with me" "and why is that?" "she said- that she's busy with work" "do you think you maybe over reacted a little?" "maybe, thank you auntie lena!" you hugged her and ran to your room. you knew that sooner or later your mom would and apologize, so you figured you'll apologize then. then, she came to your room. "hey my love, you okay?" "mhm!" "i'm sorry i yelled at you earlier, i didn't mean to" "i sorry mama" "why are you sorry?" "for over reacting, it was very dramatic of me" "it was, wasn't it?" she laughed and picked you up, "i forgive you, as long as you forgive me" "i do forgive you!" "then i forgive you." she kisses you on the cheek.

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