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Victor disfigured face is inspired by the comic Secret Wars #3, google it if you want to know what he looks like in this scene. This is also a teaser of what the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer chapters will looks like, seeing as I will be going with my memories.

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Jackie laughs as he saw Reed's kissing his sister nose. About time they propose to each other. He smiled at Johnny who is being himself, and that is teasing Ben.

Jackie smiled to himself, walking through the crowd and disappearing from his new found family. He breathed out a sigh as he's finally free from the crowd, looking out onto the water that is swooshing calmly.

"Too many people for your liking?" A voice asked from behind him making Jackie turn around and saw his sister approaching him with a warm smile on her face.

Jackie nods, chuckling lightly as he turned his back to the water. "Yeah, it's too much for my liking." He said, loosening up his tie so he could breath easier.

"You were fine before with Vic-" Sue cuts herself off when she notice Jackie body tensing slightly, only slightly that she almost missed it if she blinks. "Sorry."

Jackie shakes his head, smiling softly at the memory playing inside his head, not noticing that Sue is looking at him with a gentle smile. As if she knows that he's thinking about Victor.

"Don't worry about it." Jackie said, turning away from the water as he leaned his body against the railing. "I'm sorry for not telling you about it." He said, trying not to laugh as he look at his sister who have a done expression on her face.

"You know, all this time I was wondering who the man you were describing to me was. But now I know." Sue said, chuckling softly at the thoughts of how many times Jackie talked about Victor, which is not named man, because he never told her about who the man was.

"You're not mad?" Jackie asked, hearing Johnny land on the other side of him.

"What are we talking about?" Johnny asked, moving to stand beside Sue.

"Jackie's feelings about Victor." Sue said, smiling softly at Jackie who's face is slowly turning red. "Remember the man Jackie had talked with us about?" She asked as Johnny nods. "That was Victor."

Johnny let out a loud laugh, that was quickly quietened down by his sister. "Man, it's so cute that you talk so highly of him."

Jackie rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "If I had known you two are gonna make fun of me, I wouldn't have said anything." He said, pouting.

Sue chuckles. "I'm not mad that you have a crush on Victor, Jackie." She said, watching as Jackie bites his lips.

"He kissed me before he captured me." Jackie quickly said, looking away from his siblings widened eyes. "And fucked me at the party."

"He what?!"

• • •

Reed smiled when he saw Jackie meditating in the air, with words he can't understand floating around the boy mindlessly. He didn't want to distract Jackie, so he focus on what he came here for.

The room was silence for about five minutes before Sue walked in with a plate of food in her hands, walking towards Jackie.

She placed her hand his shoulder, breaking Jackie from his trance as the words faded into existence. Jackie looked up at her, looking at the food that she was holding.

Jackie stood to his feet, saying thanks to his sister as he moves to sit on one of the chair to eat his food in silence while Sue checked on what Reed is doing.

Jackie finished his eating after about four minutes, standing up from the chair in the now empty lab. Reed and Sue having gone out to buy some groceries at the store. He walked towards where he was and floated himself in the air, he was about to close his eyes but stopped himself when he feel something thumping in his head. Not the man, but something else...

Something that was far away from him.

He stood on his feet and walked towards the big window that show the outside world. He leaned his head against the window, closing his eyes to focus on those thumping in his head.

He searched far through his mind, looking for the thumping in his head. He searched his mind for about three seconds before he found the source of the thumping.

"Victor...?" Jackie voiced out, confusion filled his entire body wondering how the older man is here when he's deep under the sea. "What... what are you doing here?"

"Not asking how I'm here?" Victor asked, turning around to look at Jackie, showing his disfigured face. He looked at Jackie, waiting for the disgust to appear on his face but it never happened. Which surprised him.

"Surprise?" Jackie asked, eyes not wavering from Victor's face. "I suggest you to stop being surprise by me Vic." He said, smiling up at Victor who smiled the best he can at him.

"How I'm here, I've got no idea." Victor said, looking into Jackie's gentle blue eyes. No hatred to be seen. "Maybe you do, and you just don't know it."

"You think I've put something on you?" Jackie asked, raising his eyebrows.

Victor shrugs. "Have you learn everything about your powers?"

Jackie shakes his head. "Not yet." He answered, biting the inside of his cheeks. "I'm still trying to figure out about the man that keeps appearing in my dreams."

"What man?" Victor asked, immediately going protective at the information of an unknown man that is appearing in his boy dreams.

Jackie raised his eyebrows at the protective tone in Victor's voice. He cocked his head to the side, looking up at Victor's cold blue steel eyes. "Are you... jealous?" He asked, smiling in amusement.

"No." Victor said, too quickly for his liking. "Who is the man you're talking about?" He asked, trying to move on from the subject and sighed with relief when Jackie expression turned serious.

"He first appeared in my dreams before we went to space, and after that he keeps appearing every night I tried to sleep." Jackie began, looking at his surrounding with furrowed eyebrows when the scenery changed around him.

"Is that the man you're talking about?" Victor asked, looking over Jackie's shoulder at the curly-haired man wearing a black suit and a trenchcoat.

Jackie turned around, looking at the floating man. "Yes." He answered, sending an energy blasts towards her. "He called himself The Shadow Seraph, but his real names is Samael Blackthorn."

"How do you know his name?" Victor asked, turning Jackie attention back to him.

"I got into his memory." Jackie said simply, shrugging, as if it's normal thing to be inside a person mind.

The scenery changed again into Victor's office.

"What are you thinking about, Jackie?" Victor said, moving his eyes onto the boy figure after looking at where they are.

"I miss you." Jackie let out, starting to feel his mind starting to fade as he look at the expression of shocked through Victor's eyes. "I really mean those words, Vic." He said, closing his eyes for three seconds before opening them again, seeing himself in the Baxter building again.

Jackie raised his head from the window, looking to his side to see his sister standing next to him with a worried expression on her face.

"Are you alright, Jackie." Sue asked.

Jackie nods, smiling softly at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

Those eyes - Victor Von Doom x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now