♡ "Tommy..!" ♡

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I was looking at quotes and ideas on Pinterest for writing and I had one thing that I think would make people sad :)

Tubbo laid in the grass, it and the dirt around being stained with his blood. He didn't mean to do this. He didn't want to lay here in the heat, dying in the grass and dirt as his blood poured out of him. He didn't even remember what happened. Just that now... he's slowly dying and he doesn't have the will to get up.

They couldn't do it. It was like there was a heavy weight pulling their arms and legs down, and they were struggling to move them at all. They knew they were gonna die.

"I don't wanna die..." Tubbo muttered, ram's own voice hoarse and quiet. Ram could feel the tears running down ram's cheeks, but ram couldn't lift a hand up to wipe them away. Ram couldn't do anything.

In a last futile attempt to do something, he cried "Tommy..!" in his hoarse and quickly fading voice. But Tommy wasn't there. Tubbo knew that, and it hurt worse.

They knew this would happen eventually. They just hadn't wanted to go yet. However, it seems their time has come.

"... I hope you've been waiting for me in heaven, Ranboo."

Tubbo's breath stuttered, and he only closed his eyes as he accepted his fate. As he felt the warm blood run down his sides and into the dirt and grass, the tears down his face, he took one last breath.

Tubbo_ has died due to ЦИҜИФЩИ
Short and sadly sweet, I actually kinda like this shorter type thing :)

Yes that word at the end does just say "unknown" because I didn't know what to put lmao

This is probably how my updates will go for a little while, just until I can build something back up for myself and get better

I hope you don't mind!!

Take care of yourselves! <3

See you all next time :)

Words: 238 words!!

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