• His Attempt •

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Haha, get hit with Angst- Anyway, this one is really just Tommy and Tubz, sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter and ty alot for the reads so far!

CW!: Attempted su!c!d3, talk of p!lls, talk of cvtt!ng.. did I miss any?

-Read at your own risk!-

///// is a time skip!

(Totes not me putting some of my pain into this chapter-)
Tubbo was suffering, an endless void of pain. He was trying his best, but it was weighing him down and making him overwhelmed.

He needed it all to stop. The thoughts that taunted him all said things that made him go even further into this void of pain.

He needed a release of this agonizing life. He contemplated hopping into a call with Tommy, but decided against it.

'I don't wanna burden him.' He was sat in his chair, tears rolling down his face and onto his clothing, wetting them. He didn't care at the moment though.

He leaned forward, typing something in the discord chat of the SMP.

'Guys, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do. I hope you realize just how much you had made my life better. You all have impacted my life greatly and I'm glad I had met you all, but I just can't do this anymore. I'm not so sure you'll ever hear from me again, so I guess this is goodbye. Here's a quote that many have said that impacted me a lot.. 'It was never meant to be.''

He wrote such a heart wrenching message.. it was so hard for him to write every word. It hurt him. So much.

He pressed send and got up, heading for the bathroom. The blade he used to create so many scars all up on his arms and legs laid in the drawer. From cat like scratches to gashes in his skin, he created them all.

He wanted to feel something before he went. He grabbed the blade, rolling the sleeves of his hoodie up. He laid the metal up against his skin, cutting into it and, before he knew it, so many cuts littered his skin.

His phone had been going crazy since he sent the message, him grabbing it and taking it with him.

He patted the crimson liquid with a towel off his skin and threw it somewhere in the room. He grabbed water from his bedroom and grabbed a pill bottle, deciding that's how he wanted to go.

He, then, grabbed the phone off the sink and sunk to the floor, putting the water beside him and the pills bottle beside him as he opened the phone to discord to look at the messages.

Tommy: Tubbo? Answer my calls.

Ranboo: Huh? Tubbo?

Dream: What the hell does that mean

Sapnap: Tubbo?

                TELL ME YOU'RE OKAY!

George: What the hell is going on?

Tommy: TUBBO!

HannahxxRose: Tubbo?

Nihachu: Tubbo!

Captain Puffy: Tubbo..?

l1 new message from Tommyinnitl

Tommy: Answer please.. tell me you're okay

Incoming call coming from Tommyinnit

Tubbo answered, not caring his phone was going out loud because he was home alone.

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