• 'It was never meant to be' Angstier ending! •

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(Welcome to the angstier ending of 'It was never meant to be!' I hope you like bad written angst, cuz this is full of it. I hope you enjoy! <3 )

(CW!: Su!c!de, death, panic attack, funeral, I don't think I missed one, but lemme know if I did!)

As Tommy stepped back, letting himself lean back and start to fall off, he finally thought.. 'I was never meant to be.'

"TOMMY!" Tubbo screamed, trying to grab him.. but they missed.

Tommy was falling, he finally was falling to his sweet release of this horrible world.

Tubbo was sobbing uncontrollably, they couldn't think about anything but Tommy. They wanted to catch him, they wanted to pull him back up and hug him, as tight as they could.

Tommy's body was falling fastly, but Tommy was happy it was. He was finally being released from his life, finally released from the voices.

The voices that told him horrible things, the voices that told him things that hurt him more than you could imagine.

He finally was inches away from the lava, closing his eyes, and everything went black and numb.

The last thing he heard was Tubbo scream, the pained scream that yelled his name.

Tubbo sat there, tears pouring down their face as they were trying to make sense of everything. They looked around frantically, spying something red that laid on the ground.

They quickly grabbed it, recognizing it as Tommy's bandana.

They held onto it tight as they picked themself up off the ground and they ran as fast as they could, tearing still pouring down their face and loud sobs escaping their mouth as they sprinted.

They held tight onto the bandana, until they accidentally bumped into someone.

"Huh? Tubbo?!" Tubbo looked up with blurry eyes, seeing Sapnap.

They grabbed the bandana from the ground and yelled.

"STAY THE FVCK OUT OF MY WAY, YOU A$$HOLE!" Tubbo screamed at the man, them sprinting away as they were still crying.

They eventually made it to where they needed, at the place where Ranboo was most likely to be.

They knocked on the door, Ranboo opening the door and getting hit with weight onto the body.

Tubbo latched onto him, his loud sobs now muffled.

"Ranboo? Who was i-" Philza walked into the room, seeing Tubbo and hearing the muffled cries from the ram.

"What happened, Bee?" Ranboo said as they wrapped their arms around the ram.

"I- I- TOMMY'S DEAD!" Tubbo yelled, holding onto the bandana even tighter, if that was possible, as they sobbed.

"Tubbo, w-what do you mean.. mean by Tommy's dead?" "HE- I- HE JUMPED AND I COULDNT GRAB HIM AND I COULDNT SAVE HIM I- HE'S DEAD! MY BEST FRIEND'S DEAD!" Tubbo screamed.

They watched their best friend commit and they couldn't grab him, they couldn't save him.

Tubbo's breathing became very uneven as they slipped into a panic attack.

Ranboo had quite a few tears burning his face, but he didn't care.

"Tubbo, honey.. copy my breathing and count with me, alright?" Ranboo knew how much this hurt them, as it hurt just as much.

But they needed to take care of Tubbo first.

Tubbo nodded and Ranboo sat on the ground, letting Tubbo lean their head into his chest so they could listen to the breathing.

♡ Bench Trio Oneshots ♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora