• Where Am I? •

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(Welcome to an angsty Ranboo centered Oneshot! This is basically what I think Ranboo thinks about death, and I might include what I think Ranboo would write down in a book if end had one in death! It's just kind of a filler chapter while I write a bit more. Also I'm sorry that Tommy and Tubbo won't really be included here, though I believe there's going to be mentions of them! Hope you enjoy! :D )
(Also I tried to proof read, but if you see any mistakes you think I've made, I'd appreciate it! Thank you :) )

- Loneliness
- Rambling on about sadder topics
- Sad King Boober
- Talks of hearing whispers
- Talk of going crazy
- Mention of traumatizing events (or just traumatization)
- C!Dream /neg (/hj)
- Talk of death :D

I'm not really sure these are all CWs or TWs, but like, they're kinda funny- okay okay, Imma leave you alone now- enjoy! :D
"Here I am.. alone." Ranboo said out loud.

What else were they supposed to do? They were stuck in a panic room full of scribbles of sayings on the wall. Alone.

"Why? Why hasn't anyone tried to bring me back yet? Was it something I'd done? I- I don't understand. Am I even supposed to feel? Because I- doesn't the mind and body get separated?" Ranboo rambled, just thinking out loud.

"I can't do this. I need out. Please bring me back.." Ranboo said, curling up into a ball in the corner and putting his head into end's arms.
Ranboo scribbled away into a book they found in a chest in the corner of the room. Strangely, they didn't recognize the book at all. Just the smile on the front. That's it.

There was nothing in the book, so Ranboo used it to scribble thoughts and other things in.

"Ranboo?" Ranboo heard someone's voice say.. Tubbo's voice say.

Ranboo shot end's head up.

"Tubbo? Hello?" Ranboo said, looking around.

"Big R!" Ranboo heard Tommy yell out.

"Tommy?!" Ranboo said louder, trying to figure out what's happening.

"Your fault" Ranboo heard repeated over and over, in a whisper.

"Stop it!" Ranboo said, covering his ears.

"STOP IT! SHUT UP!" Ranboo yelled out.

"Please.. shut up." Ranboo said quieter. The whispers had finally gone away, but the question was.. what was his fault?
Ranboo was sat in the panic room, that seemed like a place they could no longer trust. They'll be sure to not visit this place if they ever get revived.

Keyword, if.

Because no one had came to revive them, not even Dream or Tubbo or Tommy it- just.. no one.

Would end ever get revived? End was so sure at first, but now.. they have no clue. All they can do is wish and hope for right now.

"Hey Ranboo~" Dream's voice said out of no where.

"You're not real.." Ranboo said, not even bothering to look up.

"Are you sure?" Ranboo looked up and saw a more transparent looking Dream.

Ranboo's eyes widened and they tried to go farther into the corner, though they were as far as they could already get.

"What, Ranboo? Scared?" Dream came closer to them.

Ranboo squeezed end's eyes close and anxiety rose even more.

Ranboo felt something's presence too close, so they started screaming. They hated it there. So much.

When they stopped screaming and opened their eyes, the transparent looking Dream was gone.

How much longer were they going to be here? Why hasn't someone come for them yet? Please help them..
I'm feeling like it, so Im going to add some of the pages Ranboo wrote in the book! (Yeah, I'm doing it all in English. I just think it's too much to translate and write in enderian!)
Entry #1: Where am I?
I don't remember where I am. All I remember is Sam telling me that Michael was going to be hurt if I didn't cooperate. I didn't want that, so I took off my armour and threw it down. Then I was a hostage, I guess, for Sam to bring Dream back. Dream didn't want to come back, he didn't care about me. Techno did, though. He yelled at Sam that Dream didn't care and that he did. Then I remember a cold and hot thing at the same time run through the middle of my body, and blood splattering everywhere. My blood. I looked down and now all I felt was pain as the sword was pulled out of me and I never respawned. I spawned here. Is this death? Is this really where I am right now? Is this really my end?
-⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜ (Ranboo)
Entry #2: Tommy and Tubbo
I heard Tommy and Tubbo today. Well, not technically. I heard their voice, but I'm certain it wasn't them who was talking. Just things that impersonated their voices to drive me crazier and make me feel even more alone. Which, the second one happened, but I'm not allowing myself to become something I'd hate. Something that would be crazy and hateful and.. that's just not something I want for me. But it made me feel lonelier. I want them back, I need them back.. but I can't have them back unless I get revived or they die. I wonder what the people in the SMP are doing. I wonder why I haven't got revived. Sure, it's a lot of trauma and stuff, but I hate it here more than I do being alive in the SMP. Well, more specifically being alive and around Dream. I hate it here. How come someone hasn't revived me? This sucks, man.
Entry #3: My mind and my body
Isnt my mind and body separated? At least, I think it is. Isnt the mind how you feel? So.. how come I'm able to feel? Is this normal for death? Is this normal at all? I'm confused. Am I supposed to feel? Feel scared? Depressed? Sad? Angry? Frustrated? Irritated? Any of those? Am I supposed to feel those right now? My mind is basically the ghost on the surface, if there is one. Sounds stupid, but I think they'd have people call them "Boo" or "Ghostboo". I know, I know, not something that makes sense, but perhaps it is what they asked to be called by. I'm still so confused. Am I supposed to be able to feel? Cause I sure as hell am able to. Perhaps this is normal. All I want is out. Let me out.
Entry #4: Please, help me
I hate it here. I hate it so much. I need out of here. Why haven't they revived me yet? I'm sure it's been long enough.. I died in.. what? November? December? Now I'm sure we're well into next year.. I think. I have no clue, I have no way to tell time really and no way to know what day it is anymore. Though, I'm sure it's been long enough. Doesn't Dream have the revive book? Why doesn't Technoblade tell him to revive me? Or Tubbo? Hell, even Tommy would! Why? Why haven't they? I'm so done with "death." I can see why Tommy said it's traumatizing, though I'm sure he saw something much different than I do. Still, it's traumatizing to be here and I no longer want to be. I didn't exactly want to be here in the first place! I was killed by Sam. For Michael. I hope Michael's okay. Please let him be okay. I don't want my son hurt. And I hope Tommy and Tubbo are safe. I hope Dream hasn't messed with them. And I hope someone revives me soon. I hate it here and I need help out of here. Please, just help me.
Lol, get hit with oneshot filler angst. It wasn't the best, but not the worst either. Sorry that it was mostly Ranboo centered, I just thought that Ranboo needed some angst up in here. Also sorry I don't do frequent posts anymore! Even though y'all keep telling me it's okay, I still feel bad :'[
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Please eat and drink something for me if you haven't already! I love you all so so much! Buh byeee, my muffins <33

Word count!: 1132 words! <3

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