Preferences #2 - P.P

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Physical Affection

You and Peter are big on physical affection, and no not what everyone is thinking right now.

Or maybe that's just me.

(My brain's rotten, alright?)

When you both started dating, he was scared to touch you, in fear that you were a figment of his imagination. You were the first person on the island after him for a long time. There was something about you, the way you talked, held yourself to the standard of his peer, that he THOUGHT made him hate you.

You fought often in duels and brawls, both of you CLAIMING that it was because you and Peter wanted to prove y'all were physically stronger than each other.

But really it's cause you both...

DEEP down...

Liked each other's touch 😌

And so when you two got together, you took every chance you got to do one of the many little affirmations of love Peter would melt inside over.

Types of Physical Affection Peter Pan Likes:

Kisses on the cheek - you always do this unexpectedly, whether in front of the boys or by yourself but whenever you do it, he faces turns into the shade of the tomatoes you grow 🍅

Hair ruffling - This is something you both do but it REALLY gets Peter in a good mood when you play with his hair. It's soft and fluffy and kinda reminds you of a golden retriever. And you LOVE it.

Peter Pan/ Robbie Kay ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat