Breakup - R.K

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Y/n's POV:

"How could you???" What is FUCKING wrong with you two?" I screamed at my now ex-boyfriend who was currently half naked with my best friend, Olivia. "Babe I'm sorry it was an accid-", "(Y/n) we were just-" "Save it!" My voice was getting raspier and hot tears streamed down my eyes. "Delete my FUCKING number. From both of your phones." I slammed the door and stormed downstairs trembling angrily. Nothing I did was calming me down. I tried counting from 10, taking deep breaths, and even imagining myself strangling my ex and best friend didn't help. I thought I was ok getting in my car and driving back to my house but as I parked my car, I looked up at the picture me and my ex had taken and broke down. My face was wet and warm, mascara running when I heard a knock on the window. It was my other best friend Robbie. "Hey (Y/n)," he said smiling, "what are you doing in your car-" he saw my tears. "What happened?" He gripped my car door handle. I just continued sobbing and shook my head. "(Y/n)," Robbie seethed, "What did he do to you?"

Robbie carried me into my house, kicking down the door open. "Oh (Y/n), what happened dear?" My mom was practically shrieking. I opened my mouth, about to answer when Robbie yells out,"He fucking cheated on her with her best friend." He seems to be yelling more to himself than my mom as she gasps and goes to call my ex's mother. My eyes widen at his furious face but I feel too much pent up rage to say anything. Robbie carried me up to my room and layed me in my bed. He then proceeded to layer three blankets on top of me. I was already burning with anger and the blankets made it hotter, but I couldn't tell Robbie that. Not now when he was caring for me so well. Speaking of Robbie, he now bursted through the door this time equipped with my favorite ice cream and laptop already playing Disney movies. I looked at him while rubbing my face of any ruined makeup. His deep green eyes looked concerned as he sat down on my bed and got in the blanket.

We sat in silence for a minute until he finally spoke, in barely a whisper, "Who was it?" I clenched my hands together to keep myself from screaming. "Olivia," I muttered out. Robbie whipped his head towards me in shock, "Olivia? As in Olivia, our fucking best friend?" Robbie was fuming with rage and I was trembling, barely able to whisper the word yes. I stood up, trying to calm myself but it wasn't working. I was so fucking done with that pair of bastards. I needed to let my anger out on something, anything at all. Without thinking, I picked up the nearby mug on my desk and threw it. It shattered as Robbie jumped up in shock and I was broken out of my silence spell. "Shit shit shit shit I'm sorry," I sputtered out, frantically picking up the broken pieces with my hands. I swear I had no idea what I was thinking but it felt good. I felt more at peace, like all my feelings towards seeing them broke with the cup. Robbie immediately dropped down and helped pick up the pieces, "It's completely fine. I would be mad too right about now." He sent a soft smile my way. Robbie's presence calmed me a lot. I could still trust him after everything. He helped me pick the broken pieces up and we got back in bed and schooched together under the fluffy blankets that seemed much more comfy. He handed me my ice cream with a smirk, trying to get my mind off of them. "I can't believe after all these years you still like (YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM). I can't remember you ever trying another flavour except when it's from me." I smile, "Hey it's a solid flavour! Besides, you've never let go of your cookie dough phase." He chuckled and started playing the movie on my laptop as he wrapped his arms around me and I layed my head on his chest. Despite what happened earlier, I felt happy with Robbie by my side, forgetting all my worries as we snuggled close together, feeling each other's heartbeats in the night.

~~~~~~~~In the morning~~~~~~~~

I rubbed my bleary eyes as I sat upright in my bed. I looked over at my laptop and empty ice cream cans and smiled. Robbie had somehow made the horrible experience from yesterday so much better. I yawned as I got up from my bed and put on a sweatshirt. As I walked out of my bedroom and into the hall to go downstairs, I bumped into my sister. She cringed at the sight of me."How are you doing?" She asked obviously concerned with me, "you do NOT look good." I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm doing better than I was before. Besides, you have no right to speak, your boyfriend didn't just cheat on you with your best friend." My sister, the cheeky bastard she was, smirked. "Yeah yeah, I could hear you and Robbie all night. You sure move on quickly." I frown at her, about to object, when she leans in and whispers, "You made the better choice. Robbie makes you way happier, not to mention the fact that he looks at you like he's in love AND he gets brownie points for giving me half his ice cream. I love cookie dough". I stand there, absolutely dumbfounded at what she said. I try to say something but I have no words. I hear the fleeting words of my sister, before she camps out in her room, "He's making breakfast downstairs." But I'm more focused on what she said before. My sister is completely right for once. What was I even DOING with my ex when Robbie was the one who stayed up at night to help with my exams? He was the one who comforted me and held me when I would cry after watching Up. He always made me laugh, smile, and he lights up my world. The realization hits me like a brick. I love Robbie Kay. I hope he loves me. And I need to tell him now.

I run downstairs, reaching the kitchen counter, I see him, his beautiful face and beautiful eyes and beautiful smile that lights up as he makes contact with my Y/E/C eyes when I suddenly slip on the shiny tile floor. Oh shit, I can feel myself flailing my arms around. This is one of those moments where your life flashes before your eyes. You know you'll be fine after you fall but you can't help but squeeze your eyes shut and pray you don't break any bones. I expect to feel the searing pain in my bottom right about now but instead I feel two warm, strong arms that grab onto my waist as I open my eyes to see Robbie blushing inches away from my face. "Morning Y/n, how are you feeling?" His face is a mixture of happiness and concern he has. For me. Okay this it. It's now or never. He might or might not hate you after this but you have to do it. I smile up at him, my eyes looking into his deeply and I say with my whole heart, "I'm doing amazing because of you," as I lean in and touch his soft, full lips. He seems shocked at first but kisses me back tenderly and slowly. My insides are on fire as I smile against the kiss and hold on to his neck as his arms hold me tight at the waist. I feel like I'm on top of the world right now! We pull back in need of air and he whispers sweetly, his cheeks blushing wildly, "I love you Y/n, I've loved you since forever and I just have to ask, do you love me-" I shut him up with another kiss and mumble against his lips, "I do. I've loved you all this time too. I only just realized that."
"That's cause you're an idiot." Another voice pipes up from the kitchen doorway as me and Robbie break apart quickly, blushing madly. My sister's leaning on the doorway and smirking. "Y/n you can't see a good dude if he's half naked dancing in your face," Robbie is silently dying of laughter in the corner while I'm as red as a tomato, "Which I might add Robbie did. I remember him telling me that and it still took you getting CHEATED ON before you realized this." My sister is now giggling to herself as she leaves us two laughing bumbling idiots embracing each other in love.

I really liked making this POV! Hope you enjoy these and leave requests and comments so I can improve!

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