Daddy's got a Gun - P.P

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Y/n's POV:


Ok, there's only a bit of time until he goes to the bar, I think to myself, packing in a small bag with my clothes and food. If Peter can get me out of here today I can finally be free. My door is open when I suddenly hear yelling from downstairs "Y/NNNNNNNN" My father was screeching. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I run downstairs in a hurry, praying I didn't forget to do any of my chores. I make a stop in the kitchen and my eyes widen as they look down at the pieces of broken plate on the floor. I remembered the plate I had accidentally dropped but I could have sworn it was in the trashcan. That same trashcan is now slumped over spilling stinky remains of little food and more alcohol. I'm dead.


My dad, sweaty, mad and smelling like alcohol, screams at me, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" he storms over to me with a piece of broken plate in his hand and throws at me. The ceramic cuts through my skin and ruby red blood starts flowing out with blinding pain. "Father, please stop, I'm sorry
," I whimpered, covering my face with my hands sinking into the floor. "SORRY ISN'T ENOUGH," he screeched and his leg made contact with my skin in repeated kicks, each searing with hot pain and force. "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT YOU STUPID ASS. YOU SHOULD JUST DIE!" His words cut deeper than the dish and tears were flowing like waterfalls at this point. I held my quivering breath, staying silent as he stomped away. He yelled from the front of the house, "IF YOU'RE NOT ASLEEP BY THE TIME IM BACK AT HOME, YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD! YOU HEAR ME??" I could hear his staggering breath as the door slammed shut. I started crying louder and heavier, my body soaked in tears. It felt like I was drowning in my tears and it got harder and harder to breath. I felt like I was dying. As I thought my last breath was going to be taken, a pair of hands gently brought me up. I look up in shock as Peter looks down at me, his arms snaking around my waist, tears sliding down his face too.


"Did... did he do this to you?" his voice was soft and comforting like velvet and he took my head in his hand. I nodded silently, trying to wipe away the tears when Peter slowly touched the bruises my father left on me. His eyes, full of terror and horror, look at me and were now filled with hatred. "We are leaving. Right now." his voice is raspy as he pulls me closer to him, leaning down to my ear, "He will never hurt you again y/n, not where we're going." I smile, despite the situation we are currently in. Peter is my love. I've known him for a while, and somehow he had always been able to get past my father. He was sly, quick, and tricky to catch. But even I know my beautiful Peter has little chance of helping me escape my father.

"Run my daddy's got a, gun my daddy's got a, gun my daddy's got a, gun you better, run."

I sigh as Peter's warm body is pressed against mine. "He's dangerous Peter, look what he did to me," I gestured to my bruises, black and blue. "He'll do worse if he catches you here, he might kill you with his shotgun. And... if that happens..." My eyes start to tear up as Peter's look into mine. "I'll die if anything happens to you." He gently brushes aways the drops on my cheek with his thumb. "Y/n, I will NEVER let any harm come to you. Besides, I have a secret weapon. I hid it in the hayloft of your barn." He takes my hand to lead me into our family barn, bare and dust filled and took me onto the ladder where in front of me laid a pouch. "Now," he said sitting in front of me. "Do you believe in magic?" I turned to him after admiring the shimmering powder. What did he mean? "Peter I have no idea what you're talking about. Magic doesn't exist," I laughed softly, "I wish it did cause then I could heal my wounds and fly out of this place and never have to come here again but I can't." Peter then chuckled. "Y/n, my love, it is real. And," he waved his hand over my arms, "it can heal your wounds." My arms felt... new as I looked down and gasped. Peter really had healed them. "What... Peter, are you... magic?" I asked in awe as he grinned at me. "Yes love, I am, and magic is what is getting us out." A smile stretched across my face as I tackled Peter, giving him a bear hug and pushing us onto the floor. He laughed as the boards creaked loudly but I could care less. I was going to leave.

"It started with the hayloft creaking, well it just started in the hay. With his gun turned on Pop went, a creeping up to the bottom of the hayloft."

I showered Peter with kisses all over his face as he giggled like a schoolgirl. "Y/n that tickles!" I raised my face with a grin spread across his face. I couldn't feel more happier in this moment, couldn't remember the last time I had been this happy, and couldn't wait to be happy like this in the future. That's when I heard it. A click, a familiar click, a click that meant danger.

"Young lovers and they are not sleeping. Young lovers in the hay."

I got up and whipped my head around to see him. The air reeked with alcohol as my dad sneered at me and Peter, his face contorted in anger. "YOU FUCKING WHORE Y/N! YOU'RE DEAD TONIGHT." He screamed at the top of his lungs. Tears started forming in my eyes as Peter yelled at me, "Run y/n, run!"

"Run my daddy's got a, gun my daddy's got a, gun my daddy's got a, gun you better run."

I scrambled off the hayloft, landing on my ankle, hot blinding pain spreading across my leg as I get up and start running as fast as I can with a twisted ankle. I hear gunshots near me, slightly jumping as they get close to me. The cool night bites me and I am desperate for Peter. I hear yelling close behind me and my eyes search frantic for a hiding spot. I squeeze myself behind a tree, hoping it's thick enough to hide me. My heart is beating faster than ever as my breath is ragged and face is wet. Is Peter ok? Can his magic stand against my father's pure fury? Ohhh, I just need him right now. "Y/n," my body freezes as I hear Peter call my name. "Stay hidden. I'll take care of your dad." he growls out the last sentence as my dad's ragged breath comes closer. I put my hand over my mouth in fear that even the smallest sound will result in gunshots. "You," his monstrous voice rings loud and clear. "you fucking bastard. YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!" He clicks his gun and I hear nothing from Peter, no fear, no hysterics, nothing. Then, finally the gun shoots as my eyes widen in shock and tears fall faster and my body falls in shock. This is it. Peter is dead and I'm going to be very soon. It's better to except my fate then- I gasp as I hear the loud crunch of leaves and a low rasp from my father. I stagger up and peak around the corner of the tree and my eyes lay on the scene in front of me. Peter holds a glowing, bloody heart in front of my father, deep black, as he chokes my father. I step out from behind the tree and Peter turns to me. His eyes soften as he walks towards me. "Y/n you can end this. You can crush his heart." He hands me the pumping, black, soulless heart of my father. My hands are trembling as I look up at him. His face is twisted, pure hatred in his eyes, and no feeling of mercy if Peter were to let go. This wasn't my father, some monster had replaced him. And I could be free of it if I just held his heart a bit longer than I should I have. Everything felt clearer. I had the power for the first time in years and I loved it. I needed it. I smirked over my father's now shaking body as I held his dead heart tighter in my hands. My eyes narrowed as I looked at Peter and he dropped my "father" down. I kneeled over his body and whispered in his ear, "You're. fucking. dead." And I squeezed the heart as tight as I could and it withered away. My father violently shook, the grasp of death closing in on him as he gasped a final time and lay still. All was quiet when I smiled, grinned bigger than I ever had turned to Peter and he took me in his arms. His embrace warmed my insides as his head nuzzled into my shoulders. "You're safe now. You're free." He whispered. I looked up to him, his eyes staring deeply into mine as I looped my arms around his neck and grinned. "We should get going to Neverland now." He smirked down at me and we slowly started rising up from the ground, getting farther and farther away from the hellhole I lived in. I was finally free.

Sorry it took me so long to update guys. It was somehow really hard to finish this imagine but more will be coming soon as well as a longform Peter Pan x Reader story! Please leave comments and requests and thank you to everyone who's read my imagines.

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