Paparazzi Pt 2

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Y/n's POV:

As Robbie and I speed away from the Paparazzi, we're able to get to know each other a bit. "Well, I'm originally from (your hometown) but I go to a boarding school here in LA." "That is so cool!" Robbie has been hanging on my every word and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach forming. "Oh it's not as cool as being an actor. You must have loads of fans swarming you on the daily." Robbie sighs, "Yeah I do, I mean it's nice that people like my character and all but it is refreshing when someone doesn't recognize me RIGHT away." He looks at me with a smile. "You didn't recognize me right away. Have you seen the show?" I laugh sheepishly. "Well I watched it a while ago. On repeat. For like weeks straight. But I wasn't sure who you were until I heard your voice." Robbie smirks, "So you're a sucker for British accents?" He cocks his eyebrow up. I have absolutely no response to this and instead of giggling nervously like I probably would have done I exhale because we've reached our stop. "Here we are Maiden Kay. The key to escaping the clutches of the wicked paparazzi." I park and open the door for him. "Where are we?" He asks as I point to the sign brightly displaying it's words: Costume City.

By the time we're done paying for our stuff from the store, me and Robbie are unrecognizable. He's wearing a bright orange afro and a hat somehow large enough to conceal at least half the hair. He pairs that with Harry Potter glasses and a feather boa. To make sure he doesn't have to suffer through the itchiness of the costume alone, I buy a ratty black wig and oversized vest and clown nose. We wear our disguises and look in the mirror. Words cannot describe how ridiculously funny we look because we burst out laughing to the point of tears for the second time today. We walk out of the store and drive to the mall. Robbie pulls me into the arcade where we absolutely dominate every kid there. By the end of our long time there, me and Robbie combine our tickets and get around 200,000 tickets which is just enough to buy the biggest stuffie they have. Robbie and I are giggling like little children when we reach the counter. We get one long hard stare from the worker and he gives us the most fluffy and gigantic teddy bear I have ever seen. Robbie looks at me with a gigantic grin and hands me the teddy bear, almost causing me to tumble due to how big it is, "A gift for you, oh courageous knight for protecting me today." I probably look like a tomato at this point, so I turn away and take his hand to announce our next plan. "Thank you fair and beautiful maiden. Your compliment means the world to me. I think we both deserve the most scrumptious bowl of ice cream!"

After ice cream, we leave the mall and at this point it's getting late. Robbie whispers to me" I think the cameras might be asleep now. We can probably take off our disguises now. I know I look like I graduated from clown school with this on so..." I chuckled, "Robbie, I don't know about you but I certainly was able to pull off the clown couture." I strike a pose and he giggles. "You are right about that Y/n. But I think you look even more beautiful without it!" He smirks and tears away my costume. I fake faints, "You've stripped away my identity of being a professional dumbass." Robbie stops a minute about to say something when we hear the familiar sound of clicks. "Oh crap," we say at the same time. The sidewalk is narrow and there's no way the cameras wouldn't catch me and Robbie together. Unless... I take Robbie's hand in mine and for the second time today I'm running from the Paparazzi with him. "This way," I yell to Robbie while he gives me a confused look. The cameras turn the corner just slow enough for me to pull Robbie into a alleyway I pass everyday on my walk. I pull him closer to me as we crane our necks a bit to check for the paparazzi. They've crossed the street thankfully but as me and Robbie breath a sigh of relief, I notice how close he is to me right now. My palms are on his chest and his breath quivers a bit. I catch him looking down at my lips and then my eyes as my heart feels like it's being electrocuted. "Thank you for that," he whispers. I let out a soft laugh, my stomach overrun with butterflies and fireworks, "No problem. I would do it again in a heartbeat for you." Robbie somehow comes closer to me, our lips almost touching. I'm feeling tempted to close the gap but I'm not sure if Robbie wants that. "I wanna give you another gift," he whispers slowly, his breath warm on my face. "Oh yeah? Give it then." I smile a bit as Robbie smirks one last time before closing the gap between us, his soft lips touching mine and my heart and stomach combust into a million fireworks. The kiss is sweet and slow at first until it deepens and it becomes more passionate. His arms have already made its way to my waist and I move my hands to his hair, slightly tugging it to get a moan out of him. We don't break apart until we're desperate for air and while taking in deep breaths Robbie's face is spreading into a big grin, "Y/n, I really like you, and I wish I could stay with you MUCH longer but my agent's going to send out a search party if I'm not back at my hotel soon." I smile back weakly, "Of course. I understand." I walk out of the alley way as he texts his agent were he is. "I should also get back to my dorm," I say, "And for the record, I like you a lot too." Somehow, Robbie's face looks happier than before he hands me his phone. "Please put your number in there. I might need your protection soon." He pouts and I laugh. "Of course I will. I would never leave a helpless maiden alone in the face of danger." As I put in the last numbers a car pulls up. "That's my ride," Robbie glumly says as I sigh. "I'll see you again someday?" he asks. "Definitely" I smile as he walks to the door. Then, he stops for a minute, turns to me and running up to me he pecks my lips. "Goodbye" he says running into the car as I'm left grinning like an idiot. What a day to run into the paparazzi...

Phew, this imagine took a bit of thinking to make! I hope you liked it and please leave requests in the comments!

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