Beware the Green-Eyed Boy - P.P

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Written by: @spelndidcupoftea

Y/N's POV:

"Alright Fairies time to sleep!" A shrill voice rang through the hallowed fields that shone under the moonlight. I looked down from the grassy hilltops, watching with minimal interest as the colorful dots below scurried around like mice to each of their separate flower homes, which reeked of annoyingly strong flowery scents that somehow managed to linger up to my little hilltop camp. Even now the smell made me so nauseous that I had to create a tiny air bubble to filter the stench from the normal air as I huddle close, my knees to my chest as I held them close to preserve body heat while watching the glow of the lights slowly go out one by one at the fairies base. I had been staying with the fairies for some while now, apparently found by Tinker Bell a few months ago with "no recollection" of my life before I opened my eyes that day, the only memory left being my name. Blue and the rest of the fairies had decided to take me in as one of them from that day on, trying to teach me the way of light magic.

My gaze overlooked the stars as I thought back to that moment when Blue had announced my stay to the fairies, "As it is the Fairies way of doing good to help others in all situations, it has been voted and decided that Y/N will be joining us Fairies and will be taught in the ways of light magic and being a fairy," she paused her speech for any objections from the cheery crowd before continuing, "Treat her as one of our own: a light magic user." She looked down at me from above the trees with a wide smile as I stood there fidgeting with my new black tight-fitting dress, shooting a nervous grin right back at Blue and the crowd causing them to cheer and yell in delight, though my mind knew that nervousness did not describe what I felt.

I had stood there, being bombarded by multiple fruit flies giving me hugs and I couldn't help but laugh with them, not in happiness like they were, but in disbelief that the fairies were really that stupidly trusting towards me. I couldn't believe how easy it had been to pretend to be a good person, kind and meek, when in reality I was a monster. Oh how splendidly simple it was to play with those glorified butterflies feelings, to know that I had known who I was really, my actual life that certainly didn't have any good involved and instead was filled with earth-shattering dark magic. Even now after being surrounded by the weak light magic of the fairies, I felt my power move and rumble deep inside of my core, filling me with pure ecstasy that came from knowing that I could wipe these fairies out in an instant.

Thinking back to my amazing acting skills made me smirk a bit until I heard the slight pitter patter of fairy wings. I narrowed my eyes with slight suspicion and crawled a bit to look down the hill again to see Blue slowly approaching my camp. I popped the bubble that surrounded me, the stink of overgrown pollen and flowers making me a bit light headed as I stumbled a bit getting up to run to my single tent, wrapping myself up in my blanket and chattering my teeth on purpose since it was Blue's impression that I had no magic. I waited for her arrival and saw her shadow grow bigger and bigger on the canvas of my tent. I expected her to barge in like she always does but instead she softly whispers in the thundering silence, "Sleep tight Y/N. Tommorow we'll continue training. You'll have light magic soon if you keep doing good!" There's a hint of excitement in her tone as she flies off, her flapping drifting farther and farther away as I lay staring at my tent roof.

Before I had discovered my magic, I had always dreamt of having a home, a family who would love me, despite my flaws. Eventually, I gave up on that dream after every orphanage in the Enchanted Forest forbade me from coming back due to "bad behavior". What they didn't know is most of the time I had been the victim, the one subjected to multiple thrashings from various kids, made fun of for my looks and quiet behavior. Only when I had finally snapped and punished the people who wronged me it became clear that no matter what I did, whether it was a mistake or on purpose that no one would accept my true self. Even here, where the fairies said they accepted me as one of their own, I was sleeping alone, sat alone, trained alone, and was alone. They still hadn't seen my true thoughts and desires, simply because they were too twisted and "evil" for them. They wouldn't understand me. No one would. I learnt to live with that. So as I bundled up more in the cool night, multiple "blankets" over me, I didn't expect to dream about anything worthwhile, or anything at all. I closed my eyes and the world went black, just how I like it, and I drifted off into another empty dream.

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