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July 29, 1994

As his fists connected with the guy's face, Alexander 'Tig" Trager was determined to kill. His brothers behind him held the rest of their rivals back as Tig pounded into the guy, only stopping to ask, "Where is she?!" Tig held back from punching the guy again, waiting for an answer. The guy spit blood in Tig's face and laughed, "Dead by now. You'll never find her." Tig dropped the hold he had on the guy, pulled his gun, aimed for the guy's head, and fired.

The club spent some time searching for Claudia Gajos. All they found was her abandoned car, torn clothes, her purse with her pistol still inside, and a puddle of blood outside of the driver's side door. Tig was devastated. The whole club was. Claudia was well liked amongst the old ladies, even Gemma liked her. After six months of searching, Claudia Gajos was presumed dead.

Except, she wasn't. Claudia had woken up in a hospital several hundred miles north with no memories and a positive pregnancy test. She was released into the care of Talia Hale. Once Claudia showed she was adapting, Claudia got a job at the local diner where she caught Noah Stilinski's attention. The two started dating after a few months and were married a year later. Noah knew of Claudia's pregnancy before they dated but it didn't matter, he loved the boy. Mieczysław Stilinski was born April 08, 1995.

Over the years, Claudia would get flashes, glimpses into the life she had before she was badly beaten and left for dead. It was during one of these glimpses that she pieced together who the father of her son was. It was then her memories were recovered. She felt guilty for leaving Tig and staying gone when she could have gone back to him. Claudia missed the club, but she did not miss the drama, the violence, so she stayed with Noah. She did write a letter to Tig, telling him about their son Stiles. She never got a response; she wasn't expecting one.


With the recovery of her memories, also came her sickness. Claudia was suffering from Frontotemporal Dementia. A fatal disease that caused her perception of reality to deteriorate rapidly. She soon began suffering from Insomnia, an inability to distinguish dreams from reality, sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, irritability, and paranoia. This put a great deal of strain on both Claudia herself and her husband and son. Especially when the Dementia caused her to believe Stiles was trying to kill her.

Claudia ended up dying with her son, Stiles, at her bedside while her husband was dealing with a car accident victim at work. By the time Noah got to the hospital, Claudia had already passed. Stiles clung to Noah as he cried. The young boy had witnessed his mother's death, and he was alone.

Claudia's death put a wedge in the father and son's relationship. Stiles had learned he was not his father's son when he was 10. Noah, during a drunken episode, told the boy out of spite. Even though Noah still loved the boy, he sometimes resented him. Stiles would suffer panic attacks on various occasions, as well as bouts of sleepwalking that he soon grew out of.

Stiles met Scott in Kindergarten and they became inseparable. Scott McCall and his mother Melissa were godsends to the Stilinskis'. Through Stiles' friendship with Scott, Melissa helped Noah pull himself together. Noah and Stiles' relationship became better, not perfect, but better. They all didn't realize in a few years their lives would be flipped upside down due to a bite...and a motorcycle club.

Still 2004

While several members of the MC were overseas in Belfast, a trusted member would be assigned as a house sitter. Making sure pets were fed, plants watered, and the like. Including checking the mail. One such time, a letter was delivered to Tig Trager. But he never got it. The letter had slid across the counter surface and fell between the wall and kitchen cabinet. The unsealed letter from Claudia Stilinski wouldn't be found until years later.

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