Dry Bread

543 11 126

Clyde is dragging me to Buca De Faggoncini.

I have to meet my first date.

"Come on Craig! Stop being so slow!" Clyde exclaims.

I start to speed up causing Clyde to fall as he was used to pulling me.

I stop and stare at him.

I slightly nudge him with my foot, I then start to lightly kick him in the face.

"Hey! Stop!" Clyde squeals.

Clyde sits up and pulls an angry face at me, he then brushes his hair with his hands.

"Rude..." He mumbles before struggling to stand up.

I grab his side and pull him up.

As soon as he's up, he looks at his watch.

"Shit! We're late!" Clyde grabs my hand and continues to pull me.

We finally arrive and Clyde shoves me through the doors.

"Bye! Have fun!" He shouts.

I stumble, trying not to fall forward.

I walk up to the greeter at the stand.

It's a middle-aged woman with brown hair and blue eyes.

She pulls a big grin at me, but she doesn't look too happy.

"Have you got a reservation?" She asks through her teeth.

"Uhm.. yeah, under the name Tucker," I reply.

She points at a two-seater table near the kitchen.

Sat at the table is a blonde boy.

Wearing a blue jumper.

Who is 5'11.

Butters Stotch.

Seriously Clyde!

I sigh and roll my eyes.

I begin to walk over, leaving the woman.

Butters is busy staring out the window into the kitchen to notice me standing in front of him.

I pull the chair out and sit down, causing Butters to turn his head. He pulls a massive smile and looks genuinely happy.

I feel wrong for being annoyed about him.

"Oh! Hey Craig! How are you?" He asks, his smile not leaving his face.

"I'm fine..." I mumble.

"How good!" He exclaims.

"So you're gay?" I ask.

"Well, I'm actually bi-curious." He responds.

"And you're into me?..." I question.

"Well! I've never had a crush on you but you are an attractive guy." He answers.

One of the waiters brings over a bowl of bread and a marinara dipping sauce.

"Do your parents know you're here?" He stops smiling and gives me a worried look.

"Yep! They sure do!" He says, forcing a happy tone.

I nod and grab a bread stick.

I then shove a majority of it in my mouth.

"How did you realize you were gay?" Butters asks.

I stare at him silently as I chew.

A waiter then comes around again and gives us more bread.

I still stare and chew as Butters sits there with his grin.

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