Yellow stains

760 22 45

I watch the clock slowly tick.

And tick.

And tick.

It's currently Friday.

Today is the day that Tweek is hanging out with me.

Why am I so nervous?

Why did I even say yes, I barely know the guy.

I hear the bell ring and my stomach drops.

Here we go.

I get up and walk out of the classroom, ignoring my teacher shouting at me for leaving without being dismissed.

The bell is there to dismiss me, she should be used to this by now, I always leave as soon as the bell goes.

I make my way to the school's front entrance and look around for messy blonde hair.


No one at all.

Well, there's people and blondes.

But no hair that looks so distressed to the brink of all falling out.

I stare out for a few more minutes before feeling a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and see Tweek.

Blonde hair, hazel eyes, his green shirt which now has a few yellow stains, his face covered in acne, and his crooked nose


I smile to myself.

"You okay man?" Tweek questions, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Uhm yeah... Yeah! I'm good, let's get going. We going my house or?" I quickly start walking out of the school.

Tweek follows close behind.

"Yes!.. yes your house, please." Tweek exclaims.

Never seen someone be that happy to go to my house, except Clyde when my mom is home.

"Okay, just uhm don't make fun of my car." I grimace whilst walking over to my mom's shitty little car

I stop in front of the car and turn to Tweek.

"Oh!" He says, forcing a smile.

"It's.. nice? It has personality! Makes a statement!" He says whilst wiggling his eyebrows and smiling.

I look back at the car and laugh.

"Yeah! It makes an even better statement when I'm sat crouched inside of it" I laugh even more.

Tweek chuckles and makes his way to my shitty little car.

He gets in and has to lower his head a little, because of the small car compared to his height.

I get in and also have to lower my head, lower than Tweek's though.

"How tall are you?" I question looking over at him beside me in the passenger seat next to me

"Uhm 5'10, why?" Tweek turns his head looking me directly in the eyes.

"Just wondering since you also can't exactly fit in this car." I say whilst turning to face the road and pulling the gearstick.

Tweek chuckles and turns away to look out the window.




This car drive is awkward.

It's been 4 minutes and we are sat in silence.

I have nothing to say.

At all.

"So you have a girlfriend?" Tweek mumbles, his eyes dashing from me to the window.

"Uh... no, I'm not exactly into that kind of thing" I say, clearing my throat after.

"You're not into wome-" Tweek starts.

"Dating." I say cutting him off, eyes still on the road.

I'm not ashamed on if I'm gay or not, I'd just rather not tell some guy I've known for a few weeks.

Tweek turns away once again.

We thankfully arrive at my house, the tension in my car was thick.


"We are here, mi casa!" I exclaim happily.

"You speak Spanish?" Tweek questions whilst getting out of the car.

I walk around the car, over to him and start walking beside him.

"Well I don't know loads but it'd be nice to know more of my native language."  I shrug my shoulders and look at him.

"You're Spanish?" He looks at me in shock.

"No I'm Mexican and Peruvian, with some German from my mom." I smile at him.

"Hm." He nods and looks at the front door.

I open it and walk in to see my mom folding the laundry on the dining room table, my dad sat watching tv and I'm presuming my sister is upstairs.

"Everyone, meet Tweek." I move my arms and do jazz hands to show my family Tweek.

My mom puts down my jumper and rushes over to Tweek and squeals.

"Welcome! Welcome, if I knew you were coming this house would look much better." She shoots a death glare at me and drags Tweek inside.

My dad walks over and puts out his hand to shake Tweek's.

Tweek slowly puts his hand out and shakes my dad's.

"Okay we are going upstairs, bye guys." I say, quickly grabbing Tweek and taking him upstairs.

We walk into my room and sit on my bed.

"I like your room." Tweek mutters.

"Thanks." I shoot a smile at him.

He smiles back.


Never known someone not give me a weird look, they usually do.

"So sorry if this is a weird question but how come your parents don't look exactly like you." Tweek turns his head to the side.

"I look like my dad." I say.

Tweek opens his mouth to question once again.

"My biological dad, he isn't around anymore, he didn't want kids." I shrug at him and get up to turn my computer on.

Tweek gives me a sad sorry look but then gets up to join me at my computer.

"What's your favourite game?" I ask, pointing at my bookshelf full of game disks and then pointing at my Steam library full of even more games.

"Uhm... Do you have Mortal Kombat?" He asks.

"Yeah! I do, wanna play?" I question.

"Yeah, I do." Tweek turns and smiles at me.

I quite like Tweek.

He's nice.

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