Soft laugh

747 19 103

"Man! You are so shit at Mortal Kombat!" Tweek exclaims.

I watch as he jumps up and down in excitement.

I smile and turn back to the screen, reading the words "Mileena wins".

Tweek chose to play Mileena, he said it's because she's the most iconic one.

"I'm just letting you win, obviously. I'm actually amazing at this game." I turn to him once again and do a pretend hair flick.

Tweek rolls his eyes whilst laughing.

"So do you wanna start getting ready for the party? You brought clothes right?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

Tweek stops laughing and quietly looks at the floor.

"Hm, I forgot about that, I guess we can." Tweek pulls a slight smile at me.

I smile at him, then get up and walk to the wardrobe.

I start pulling out different clothes and inspecting them.

"I'm honestly not going to lie, I thought you would just wear pajamas," Tweek states.

I turn around and see him stood awkwardly straight, his eyes piercing into mine.

I chuckle and turn back to my wardrobe.

"I'm supposed to be going as Clyde's wingman so I thought I'd put in some effort, otherwise he'd probably throw a fit." I smile, still looking at all my different untouched clothes.

I didn't realise how many clothes I owned, hm.

"So you're gonna be like talking to girls and stuff?" Tweek started to mumble towards the end of the sentence.

So I start to use my Tricia mumble hearing skills.

"Well, I'm not flirting with them or anything, just putting a good word in for Clyde really." I shrug my shoulders as I pull out a beanie that is covered in dust.

Tweek goes silent but I can hear him shuffling around my room.

I turn around and see him digging through his bag.

And I see pajamas.

"You're sleeping over?" I question.

Tweek's shoulders jolt as he looks up with a shocked expression.

"I thought that was the plan?" He questioned back.

"Well I honestly thought you would just, I don't know really, I just didn't expect you to sleep over." I pull a slightly shocked looked.

"Well, I can just go back home!" Tweek squeals, going bright red.

"No! No, it's okay, you can sleep over." I smile at him.

He smiles sheepishly and goes back to rummaging through his bag.


Me and Tweek are now sat with our pajamas on.

Tweek is sat in a plain purple shirt with bright blue shorts.

I can see his light hair covering his legs and his knobbly knees.

I feel my face go red and I turn away.

I'm currently sat in black pajama pants and a red racer shirt that my mom bought for me when I turned 13.

I was chubby at 13 so It's quite baggy on me now, but also a little short.

Tweek turns to me and opens his mouth to say something when the door bursts open.

"Craiggggg, I heard you had a friend over." Tricia shouts with a devious look.

She turns her head to Tweek and prances over.

"I've never seen you before." She states staring Tweek dead in the eyes.

"Uhm yeah, I've only really just met your brother." Tweek mumbles, staring at her like a deer in headlights.

"Trish, leave the poor guy alone, you have Clyde to drool over and bother, leave us alone." I roll my eyes at her.

"Shut up! This guy doesn't have to know about Clyde." Trish squeals giving me a dirty look.

"Well Tweek will hear all about Clyde if you don't go away." I give her a death stare back and we give each other death stares for a solid minute before Tweeks clears his throat pulling us out of it.

"Fine, I'll leave just so you can be gay with him in peace." Tricia rolls her eyes and then waddles away out of my room, giving us yet again another devious look as she slowly closes the door making it creak more than usual.

"She seems nice." Tweek quietly states.

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Yeah, she's super nice." I say as I turn my body to fully face Tweek.

"What do you want to do?" I ask.

Tweek gives me a scared look.

"You shouldn't ask me to make decisions man! I suck at that, too much pressure man!" Tweek cries out whilst flailing his arms.

"Calm down dude! Do want to just sit and watch something?" I ask, trying my best to put on a comforting voice.

Tweek still gives me a slightly scared look.

I guess I should pick what to watch too.

Thankfully I know the best show in the world.

"Do you want to watch Red Racer?" I suggest.

Tweek nods and I smile at him.

"Perfect, you're going to love it." I exclaim.

"Isn't it made for kids?" Tweek asks back.

I place my index finger over his mouth.

"Shhhh it is the best show ever, kids would never understand it how I do, I am a true fan." I say with pride.

"That's so gay dude." Tweek chuckles.

"Shut up!" I flap my hand at him and laugh.

I then turn and grab the remote for my tv.

"Get prepared, this show is amazing." I nod my head.

Tweek leans back on my bed and I lean next to him.

Not on him though.


I'm gay.

Just not for Tweek.

I put on Netflix and put on Red Racer.

"I cannot believe you're making me watch a kids show." Tweek laughs.

"Shush! It's good just watch, and you'll see!" I exclaim, putting the remote down next to me on my bedside table.

Tweek sighs and turns his head fully to watch the show.

I'm excited that Tweek is watching this with me, the guys never wanted to.

"So, not to be annoying but you're going to have to tell me who is who and what is happening because I can be slow when it comes to shows." Tweek says.

"Do you want me to tell you the backstory to the character and to why the producers made this?" I ask, overjoyed.

Tweek lays back more into the bed.

"I'll just watch the show for now but maybe after?" He looks up at me.

I smile and nod at him and turn back to watch one of the most amazing things known to mankind, Red Racer.

And watching Red Racer with Tweek has made it a lot better.

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