Chapter 6

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Dedicated to CokeeMitchell because they asked me to update it! SO, it only to make sense if I did so. Hopefully it matches your expectations, if not I am sorry and will try even harder in the next chapter. Thanks Love! That was all here is the story see down there *points down at story* writer there! Read it!!!! Please :3


The bell's screams startled me waking me up and my friends to laugh at my reaction. Grumbling I grabbed my books and walked out of the classroom. I felt like a robot with the no need to put in effort in finding my locker, putting in my combination, changing books and walking to lunch. Even though I was putting up a strong front I was mentally screaming at myself because my leg was killing me and I ran out of pain killers. Just in case you weren't aware but it is hell on earth trying to get through a packed hallway with a bad leg! Finally after multiple shoves and bashes I got through and sat at the table where I have lunch with all my friends. I had a packed lunch today since Dad wanted to limit my walking and for a man who hasn't packed my lunch in ten years it sure showed it. In my lunch box was a fruit roll up, PBJ sandwich, animal crackers(which I don't even like) and a juice box. Not only were all those items in there but there was also a bonus, a letter from Dad. Sighing and relieved that my friends weren't around to see the letter yet I began to read it.

"Dear Kally,

 I know you are having flashbacks and remembering why I haven't packed your lunch in ten years. (sorry still working on it) Can't believe you have been the apple in my eye for over ten years now. Anyway I know you don't want your friends to see you reading this sappy note from your old-don't-know-nothing dad so I will make it short. I figured I would pack you a lunch just for the thought since someone from work is going to pick you up from school in about five minutes. Love you, hate me not him."

Internally I groaned knowing that this day was way too smooth for Dad to be true. Looking at the clock lunch would hit halfway mark in five minutes, psychic much Dad? I began to eat my lunch not wanting to risk the chance of not being allowed to do so in Tristan's car and I was hungry. With half my sandwich down, my friends finally decided to sit down after looking like bumps on a log for ten minutes, literally. Lisa just about sat in my lap when she sat next to me earning a jab to the sides and a glare, "my leg."

"Oops," she popped the 'p' giggling.

"So what happened?"

I looked at Mark and sighed, "pretty much I hit this light shelf panel thing that hangs over my kitchen island and there was a vase on it that fell on my leg."

"So that is why you never answered my texts!"

"Also," I pointed at Lisa as I took a sip from my juice box, "I just ignored you not really wanting to talk."

"Oh I feel loved!" Lisa began to mess around with her, substance that was on her plate that seemed to be alive. "I think if you stare at it long enough it will move."

"The other day Jake dropped his 'pork chop' and it bounced three inches! We recorded it too," Mark said with a disgusted face making everyone stop eating and looked at their food.

"Thank you Dad," I smiled to myself then took the last bite of my sandwich, "oh," I started licking the jelly off my thumb, "I am leaving in like a minute because my dad wants me off my feet so could ya'll text me the homework. And when I say ya'll I mean you Mark since Lisa is as reliable as a senile man with amnesia!"


Everyone nodded sighing know that when the subject was not related to parties the info on the subject went through one ear and out the other. The noise in the lunch room increased immensely along with the conversation between everyone at the table so I just sat waiting for my name to be announced on the intercom.

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