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The flight to S.T.A.R. Labs is just like any other. The sky is crystal clear, the stars are shimmering, and the wind whips my hair back behind me as I thrust through the air toward the massive building on the river.

The largest tower of the building starts to come into view, and I slowly start my descent. That is, until one of my boots starts malfunctioning, and I start drifting off course and sharply to the left. I try to gradually increase my density to gain some kind of control of myself as I start spinning out. Frantically, I look back at my feet to see my fucked up boot covered in black goo.

My eyes become saucers as I slam into the wall of an office building, bouncing off it and onto the building on the opposite side of the alley. And then it's a harsh fall down to the ground. I land on the gravelly alley, lucky that my density was still fairly light so I don't feel so bruised.

(I feel totally beat the fuck up.)

I groan as I stand, heels of my hands digging into the gravel to lift myself up. The only thing feeling scraped up by the fall was my shoulder, which I ran my hand over in an attempt to soothe it. My eyes fall to the ground, kicking my left foot out to see exactly what is clinging to it and caused me to plummet to the ground like a comet.

And just as I thought my eyes had seen as I was flying, it looks eerily similar to the substance that rained from the sky on Flash Day. As I kick my foot behind me to try to get a better look from over my shoulder, I notice the alley starting to dim. The streetlight that had been flooding into the back street fades out, leaving me in a darkness that I only feel like I've seen once before.

I start to increase my density. I was going to be ready for it this time. The black mist starts to swirl around me as I try to back out of the alley, maybe try to get some distance from this. But just as I start to take my steps, there's a figure that emerges from the fog rolling in before me.

A billow of mist dances around the woman as she cuts through the smoke, sleek black leather covering her head to toe, black gloves up to her elbows, and a haunting face mask covering her mouth and nose. Haunting dark eyes dance across my figure as I stand shell-shocked at the sight of the woman in front of me. It's now that I notice the thin mesh that may even be smoke that sits on her legs, like a skirt with a slit cut up to the thigh. Her thick heeled boots click ominously as she eyes me, an arrogant glare set in her deep eyes.

I think she can see the worry in my eyes, smell the fear. I don't think I'm playing my poker face up very well. And that's because I'm absolutely sweating bullets. If this really is the meta that was behind Flash Day and that day in the alley after work, I was about to get my ass kicked.

I swallow hard, waves of density flowing over me as I become more dense than I ever have because I needed to be ready for this fight. "What do you want? Who are you?"

She looks around, dramatically pretending I could be talking to someone else. But then I see the figures at her sides, two forms of black smoke appearing to morph into grotesque humanoid shapes. My lips part in shock, watching the deformed faces of the fog men getting closer to me as they march closer.

Then there's an unearthly laugh that booms from her chest before her blood honey voice whispers across the alley, "Morgue."

I feel like there's something in my throat that I can't swallow down, a chill running up the entirety of my spine as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I tighten my jaw and try to maintain my composure as these swirling black forms of ghostly figures get closer. And it's then that I see two more behind them. And then two more after that. And more after that.

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