drink drank drunk

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drink drank drunk

"So, uh, what's Barry's story? I know the whole struck by lightning part, but what about the back from the dead part? As far as I knew, he was a certified goner before he even got a bed in the ICU," I inquire, as my eyes close, attempting to make myself shift density.

"You're supposed to be concentrating," Caitlin speaks into the microphone behind the glass barrier.

They were currently trying to test the extent of my powers. And they decided to stay behind the safety of the glass barrier as they watched. Obviously they used this room for The Flash's training too, the Cisco-ed treadmill in the corner was a dead giveaway. I was hooked to a machine with a few wires, assessing my vital signs as I did this. I tried to explain that their leads probably wouldn't stay attached to me if I went too light, but Caitlin was adamant.

"Trust me, talking about—just tell me," I catch myself, smiling still with my eyes closed as my hands form fists at my side. I wasn't really trying to let on that the very mention of Barry Allen caused my stomach to do flips, because truthfully I didn't know why. It could've been in horror, but also maybe... Excitement? I didn't know.

"Okay, Gossip-Girl," Cisco jokes into the microphone. "So you know that Barry's mom was killed by the Reverse Flash when he was eleven, and that's when he went to live with Joe and Iris."

"No, actually, I don't think I knew any of that... But continue."

They'd filled me in on the Reverse Flash. Dr. Wells even informed me that that was why he proposed his offer of officially joining their team as early on in our partnership as he did. The Flash needed to get faster to try to take down the evil speedster. Which left an opening for general superhuman crime fighting.

"Oh, wow—Guess I just assumed since—" Cisco starts.

"Since you seem so close with Joe, we just thought you knew more," Caitlin finishes.

My eyes flutter open, and I shake out my shoulders and arms before going back into my strong stance. "No, it's, um, really just all formalities with Detective West. We've only ever seen each other at work, until I came here, that is."

"Hmph," Cisco nods. "Well, anyway, because they had no proof of the Reverse Flash, and baby Barry was the only one who saw him, Barry's dad Henry went down for the murder. He's still serving his sentence in Iron Heights, actually. And yeah, he's lived with Joe and Iris ever since..."

"I can't help but notice that nothing's happening, Sam," Caitlin butts in.

"Yeah, as much as I love backstory, I kinda meant after the lightning. How did they stabilize him?"

And then the flashes all come back. CPR, stop, another EKG, more adenosine, more epinephrine, CPR, stop, intubate, more propofol, no he needs morphine, CPR, stop, another EKG, push epi, ambu bag, CPR, stop.

I see Cisco and Caitlin share an unsure look, but when they look back at me, a shared smile crosses their faces.

"Sam, you're becoming more dense—wait, your heart rate is picking up, are you okay?" Caitlin's smile is short lived, as her eyes move from me to the screen in front of her.

It was hard to physically see when I became more dense. From afar, at least. Up close, you could see that my features became sharper. Every slope and curve on my body became more angular and stiff. But from this far, I'm certain the only way they could tell the difference was the scale under me reading a drastically higher number. And because it seemed that my heart rate rapidly increased when I became more dense.

"Yeah, I'm good. Back to the story please," I ask nicely, looking at my hands and curling them into fists again. The high density made me slower and colder. An almost metallic noise comes from my hands as my fingertips touch the inside of my palm.

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