right and whatever's left

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right and whatever's left

My heart sinks even further in my chest as I realize Barry still hasn't put it all together. I don't think his mind is willing to accept what's happened to us.

"What happened? Why'd you guys stop?" Cisco asks again in our ears.

Barry's brows furrow as we both just stare at each other. I don't even know what to say.

"Guys?" Cisco asks, assuming we can't hear him because we're both dead silent.

"Yeah, Cisco, we're here," Barry finally responds because I am speechless.

Barry breaks our eye contact, looking around again, still extremely confused on what the fuck just happened.

"I just got a little disoriented... I think maybe Sam and I were going a little too fast," Barry's eyes are back on me, and I just stare right back at him.

My hands are clenching and unclenching, finding a place on my hips, and then back at my sides again. I don't want this to be possible, I don't want this to be true.

"Well, you guys better hurry up," Cisco responds. "You gotta get to the morgue."

"The morgue? I was there, I was just there," if possible, Barry's brows furrow even deeper and he mouths to me, 'What's he talking about?'

"What are you talking about?" Cisco asks incredulously. "You guys gotta go, go!"

Barry gives me one more questioning look before taking a knee, and I hop on, turning off his comms system slyly on my way up. Before I can blink, we arrive at the morgue.

Reaching up, I turn my microphone off too as Barry steps further into the examination room he had been in just a day before with the same dead coroner, now freshly murdered all over again.

"Barry—" I say softly to get his attention, the sound of the sirens just barely audible.

He squats down next to the dead man, lifting his shirt and finding large circular bruises on his abdomen.

"Barry, it's two days ago," I say, just above a whisper.

He shakes his head slowly from side to side before standing to his full height. "I know," he responds, turning to face me now.

I can read the worry on his face clear as the front page of the paper. My eyes search all over his face as he copies the action. Both of us standing there just staring at the other, trying to figure out what to do next. Well, I guess we already know what happens next.

"We need to talk to Dr. Wells." His eyes burn into mine as I say this.

The conflict bouncing around in his brain flashes on his face. "We—I need you to get you out of here. Joe and the rest of the officers will be here soon. I—we'll, I don't know."

"Take me back to the lab, Barry," I take a step forward, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "Then you need to work this case just like you did the last time. We'll have the lead on Mardon this time, but we need to talk to Dr. Wells before we do anything crazy, okay?"

His tongue is in his cheek, jaw clenching as he nods, accepting my offer (more like orders). The severity of this predicament is finally starting to hit me. It's all going to happen again. Mardon will attack the police station, Captain Singh will be dropped off at the ER, I'll be swamped my whole shift, we'll create the barrier to stop the tsunami. Are we going to be in a time loop? How the hell did we even go back in time?

My thoughts are racing, and I don't even really realize when Barry pulls me close to him, speeding me back to S.T.A.R. Labs and then changing quickly to meet the police back at the morgue so he can play CSI instead of Flash.

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