today on dr. phil - a traitor!

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today on dr. phil - a traitor!

"You look incredibly less than awesome," Cisco comments, moving from beside Caitlin to the perfectly arranged pile of bones in the middle of Barry's lab.

"Is that a real body?" I deadpan, not even bothering to meet anyone's eyes.

"This," Detective West starts, "is the real Dr. Wells."

Another wave of nausea rolls through me.

As it turns out, Caitlin and Wells did not have such an easy time getting Bates to his cell in the pipeline. Iris intercepted them, begging them to take Bates to the police station to be turned in and free Detective Thawne, and that's when he escaped. Barry was able to apprehend him, getting video evidence of Eddie's innocence, and in the end, all was well.

But after five hours of reading every detail of every experience in every report from my clinical trial with Hera Biosciences, I found that my stomach never settled. And now with the real Harrison Wells in the room, only as bones, I was feeling the familiar swirl again.

"If this is the real Wells, who have we been working with?" Caitlin questions exactly what everyone else is thinking, all of us gathering around the skeleton.

I make the mistake of looking at Barry, the concern in his eyes practically dripping as he takes in my crossed arms, red eyes, and downturned chin. Clearing his throat, "Dr. McGee said that after the accident, Wells became a completely different person... It's because he is a different person."

I can feel Barry's eyes finally leave my form, giving me a shred of confidence to look up, taking another peek at the withering body, hardly any skin left to hold the bones together.

What the hell happened to him?

Everyone clears out, Detective West going off to a tip on an active investigation while Caitlin and Cisco agree to meet Barry and I at the lab later.

And everyone not so casually leaves Barry and I alone together.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks softly, leading me to the other side of his office and away from Dead Wells.

I shake my head, not trusting my voice, unsure why I'm even following him deeper into the lab.

"You know, I was kinda worried you were mad at me—Caitlin told me what happened earlier today, with her and Everyman and you and... Well, I just thought maybe you were mad at him but also me, ya know?" he rambles out, sorting files on the messy bench in front of him.

But I don't say anything again, continuing to give him the hard stare I'd held the entire time since I arrived.

His brows furrow, his hands ceasing their sorting as he puts down the stack of papers to face me.

"Wait—are you mad at me for something I didn't do?" he asks incredulously.

I purse my lips and then clear my throat, my voice coming out more prickly than I'd intended. "Yeah. Yeah, I am."

His brows somehow furrow more as his nose scrunches, "Why?!"

I shake my head, tucking my cheek into my teeth and rolling my eyes. "I don't know, I—"

I don't even know what I'm saying. Because I'm not mad at him for kissing Caitlin (because he didn't) (but also yes I am), I'm mad at him for lying to me.

"I don't know, Barry, because—listen, I have feelings I don't kn—"

"Feelings? What, like feelings for me?"

And I swear there's a glimmer of hope in the cute little bastard's eyes.

"Barry, no—yes, I—okay, I don't know. Okay, I do know. Feelings for you, yes, but that shit doesn't matter because you—"

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