16: emergency!

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A/N I suggested for you guys to read the tags again. I'm not going to change anything, ya know. Peace out!


"It has been so long since we go out together, noona."

"True, since the Celestial Arcane established, we are busy with work."

She ruffled the black-haired younger boy.

"At first, it was just the two of us. I am actually glad that we have come this far. And of course, meeting you has been blessed for me, noona."

"Aww, you are so sweet, Woo. My little cub has grown so much!"

She wrapped her arm around his neck, now that he has become taller than her, this boy was pulled down every time she did this.

"Noona, I'm no longer a cub! Eh no, I am never a cub! I have been a lion long ago!"

"Tsk tsk, you are a cub to me. Even when you get the title of Leo or Taurus later, you are my cub."

"You seemed to mock my title, Noona. Leo is supposed to be a brave lion."

"I don't know Leo is a lion."

Choi Woo deadpanned, pushing Lee Byul away from continuing strangling him with her arm.

"Nevermind, noona. Keep your pretty little brain with just your Flōs and work."

"Are you mocking me?"

He shrugged.

"You need to remember I'm the one who suggested this name to be our group name! I am the brain in this group! You are nothing without me, noona."

Seo Woo gave a smug look at Lee Byul. Lee Byul quickly put him in a headlock, ignoring the protest and gagging sound coming from the younger boy.

Who says he can act all smug and mighty with her?

"*Chock* H-hey! A..ugh a mar..ried woman keuk! Shouldn't act so rough! Kuahh!! Noona!!"

Lee Byul let Seo Woo's body fell on the ground helplessly while she continues walking like nothing happen. The people around them looked concerned.

Seo Woo coughed violently. He got his lesson. He would need to flaunt his superiority when he has a backup! Such as when they're with Gemini noona! She is the only one who can tease Byul noona and successfully escape!

Or with Capricorn hyung. Capricorn would be his meat shield! Considering he is the youngest in their group, he was doted on by everyone!

Just so he thought.

"Noona, wait for me. You can't just leave me here after attempting to murder me in daylight and public."

"The more you grow, the cheekier you get. Who teach you to be like this? I didn't raise you to be a brat."

Lee Byul shook her head, the oblivious one here who is actually the cause of Seo Woo's behaviour. Seo Woo is the exact copy of Lee Byul but younger and different gender.

Seo Woo kept his mouth shut even though he just wanted to say, 'It is you, noona'. He would get beat again, no please. He rubbed his neck.

"Where are we going, noona? You didn't tell me."

He walked beside her while looking around. The buildings in this area were getting built again. There are some old buildings that are still intact but the inspection has been done to check it and it was not a good place to settle in because of monsters.

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