Chapter 5:

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Italics means Navi speech

Suck in your stomach, and lift your arm slightly." Tsu'tey said as Violet did so holding a bow.

Earlier Tsu'tey had woken her to learn how to use a bow. Violet stopped her powers from absorbing the talent, wanting to learn it on her own.

That's where she was now. Tsu'tey close to her as he helped her learn the technique of using a bow.

"Now lift it slightly." Tsu'tey said as he walked in-front of her, lifting her arm as their bodies brushed against each other, both feeling a shiver going up there spines.

Clearing his throat Tsu'tey stepped back.

"Now release it." Tsu'tey ordered as Violet let the arrow go, it hitting right in the middle.

"Very good. You seem to be learning quickly and sufficiently." Tsu'tey said as Violet slightly smiled

Tsu'tey smiled brightly at her smile and went to speak when a hunter rode forward on a pal'i

"Tsu'tey! A hunter is surrounded by a thanator! We need your help!" The male Navi said quickly as he glanced at Violet, looking directly at her chest

Tsu'tey seeing this growled before speaking

"Let us go! I will be back." Tsu'tey said, directing his last comment softly at Violet who nodded.

Riding off Violet watched him before she made her way to the home tree.

As she walked within the home tree she saw Jake who looked at her smiling.

"Hey Violet! How was training with Mr. Grumpy." Jake asked as Violet looked to him

"Fine." Violet said blankly as Jake smiled, used to her tone of voice

"Well you'll never guess my day! I tried Pal'i riding again and was able to stay on! Oh! I also-" Violet watched as Jake rambled on and couldn't help but comment

"Your so much like him." Violet whispered as Jake stopped speaking and looked to her.

"Like who?" Jake asked as Violet sighed

"My brother Pietro. He used to ramble and get all excited like you when he was alive." Violet said as she thought about her brother.

Jake noticed her look and smiled softly

"I had a brother once. A twin brother. His name was Tom. He was supposed to be the one here but was killed." Jake said sadly as he thought of his brother

"Pietro was my twin." Violet said softly as Jake looked at her.

"I guess that makes us twins in a way. The alive twins." Jake said jokingly and watched in surprise as Violet let out a small laugh.

"I guess we are." Violet said sighing.

"I've got to catch up with Neytiri but I'll see you later." Jake said before he ran off.

Violet shook her head and started walking before she heard a voice call her name.


The purple navi turned to see a muscular male who she recognized as Gador from Tsu'tey's pack of hunters.

"What do you want?" Violet asked blankly as the male Navi gazed at her form

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together?" Gador asked as Violet shook her head

"No. Goodbye Gador." Violet said turning before the male Navi walked in front of her.

"Come on! Let's hang out! Maybe you'll have fun! Plus you'll need a strong man to mate with to protect you!" Gador said as Violet finally understood

"He wants to be my mate" Violet thought rolling her eyes.

"Gador I don't need a mate to protect me and if I did I wouldn't choose you." Violet said with slight annoyance before trying to walk past him but was stopped when he grabbed her arm.

"" Violet said as Gador tightened his hold before a hand captured his wrist and squeezed it.

Both Navi's turned to see a very angry Tsu'tey.

Tsu'tey had returned and looked for Violet to find her with Gador. He had been watching them talking and felt jealousy spread through his chest as he watched Gador try to flirt with her.

He decided to intervene when he saw she didn't reciprocate the feelings and looked annoyed.

He was pissed when he saw Gador lay his hands on her

"Let her go. Now." Tsu'tey spoke as Gador smirked pulling Violet closer for a second before pushing her back into Tsu'tey who stood in front of her protectively

"Leave now Gador. And from now on, respect Violet." Tsu'tey hissed angrily as Gador smirked before walking away

Once he was out of sight Tsu'tey turned to violet and saw a slight bruise forming in her arm where Gador held her.

"Come. We must treat your bruise." Tsu'tey spoke as he led Violet to a an empty hut that was stocked with Navi medicine.

Violet sat as Tsu'tey kneeled in front of her rubbing the medicine on her arm.


Tsu'tey looked up to see violet looking at him curiously

"Why what?" Tsu'tey asked as Violet sighed

"Why do you not look disgusted at my scars. I know you see them. They cover my body but you do not look at them with look at them with your angry they are on me." Violet said as Tsu'tey looked to her smiling

"Because I am." Tsu'tey said as Violet looked up

"Why..." Violet asked softly, lowering her guard, something Tsu'tey noticed causing his eyes to soften.

"Because nothing so beautiful should be harmed." Tsu'tey said as traced a scar on her arm.

"Do not lie to me." Violet said with hurt and Anger as Tsu'tey pulled her closer

"I am not. You are beautiful. Scars and all." Tsu'tey said before pulling her into a hug.

Violet sat in his embrace as he softly traced the scars on her body with care.

Allowing herself to find comfort in his embrace for a moment she pulled away and Tsu'tey could see the hesitation.

He knew it was placed there by previous people who had hurt her.

But Tsu'tey wouldn't give up. He was determined to show her what he saw.

A beautiful, powerful, and kind Navi that he is starting to love.

"Come let us go eat with the clan." Tsu'tey said softly helping Violet up before they walked out to where the clan was eating, Mo'at smiling knowingly and happily at the light in Violets eyes.

"He will be the one who heals her." Mo'at thought before turning to her husband, kissing his cheek as he let out a blush, Mo'at laughing quietly before turning to her daughter to hear Jake Sully's progress.

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