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That is all Violet Maximoff has ever known. Violet is the sister of Wanda Maximoff. While her sister is the Scarlet Witch, Violet is the Violet Witch.

Violet had been forced into hydra when her siblings Wanda and Pietro wanted to join them to take down tony stark. Violet having no other choice had to follow.

From the moment she went to Hydra things changed. And not for the better.

Violet grew up being tested by scientists, being in the red room, and being forced to be everyone's puppet.

When Violet saw her parents die she thought it couldn't get worse. Then she went to hydra. That's when she thought things couldn't get worse.

Apparently Hydra saw something in her. Therefore they felt the need to destroy and break her.

Every morning she would be forced to bathe with a male assassin. I bet you know what happened then. Then she had train in the red room. And the icing on the cake was when they would cut her open and stitch her back up just to see what they could achieve with her. The worst part of it was they did while she was awake.

Of course there was the daily beating and "quality time" with the male assassins. Originally it was supposed to be Violet, Pietro, and Wanda doing it all, taking turns, but Violet took every beating, every "quality time" and every test. She refused to let them hurt her siblings. Which led to her learning one of the main rules in Hydra.

No Pain.

So while Violet felt it 24/7, she never expressed it. She never let her guard down.

Except when she did.

She had been fighting the avengers with her siblings when she joined them. Unfortunately her and her siblings joining led to her brother Pietro dying.

After that the avengers took Violet and Wanda in.

Natasha trained her and pushed her to be herself which she achieved. Violet only acted herself around three people.



And James Barnes

Violet met James when he threw her out of a car. Steve recognizing him tried to save him with the help of Violet.

Violet and James avoided each other, because whenever they were near each other, there hearts would beat and they would feel emotions, something both tried to leave behind.

Eventually they started courting. You'd think it's two broken souls coming together right?


Fate had screwed Violet over.

It took her parents, her brother, her sister refused to talk to her after Pietro's death, blaming her, and when the accords situation came up, Violet was taken in substitute for her sister and was forced to wear a shock color, the men had no problem having "fun" with her, and she was forced to live every memory of her past on repeat.

When Bucky saved her she was thrilled, but then distraught.

He had been frozen in Wakanda so Shuri could help him.

So Violet waited.

Natasha left and never saw her, the avengers forgot about her, and her own sister ran from her.

But then Thanos came and Bucky woke up.

The Avengers fought well but he was better. It ended with Bucky disintegrating, her sister disintegrating, and her only having Natasha.

Then five years later things looked positive. After Thanos Natasha and her left to help her sister and Violet was finally beginning to heal when she found out that she could have her life back.

So she time traveled.

And it bit her in the ass!

Natasha died for a stone and when Bucky came back, her didn't recognize her. He knew who she was but couldn't remember the love they held for each other.

That being the last straw Violet ran. She stayed in a tiny cabin the woods for a year where she cried.

In that year Stephen Strange had come. Wanda had lost her mind and tried to hurt America Chavez.

Violet agreed to help, wanting to see her sister since she was all she had left.

In the end Wanda sacrificed herself but not before throwing Violet through a portal.

Her last thing to do since in her mind, Violet was the reason Pietro was dead.

Violet had ended up on Pandora a year and a half before Jake. Grace had found her and tried to help her when Violet used her powers.

Eventually gaining her trust, Violet opened up to Grace and told her anything and everything!

Grace however felt fear at how strong the woman was and went to scientists on Pandora and Quatritch.

Violet was immediately thrown in a cage with a power blocking and shocking collar. Scientists did tests on her everyday but never found anything. They shocked her with a collar trying to hurt her and see if they could get a sample of her powers but nothing.

Eventually they gave up. Only coming in to make sure she couldn't escape and give her, her daily shocks.

And that's where Violet was now. In a glass tube. Promising to never love or trust someone again. For it only ended in pain.

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