Chapter 20

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A few days later, Andy was released from the hospital.

She was told the entire story at the Black Penny. 

"Jeremy arrested a criminal?" she said.

"With music" said Dov.

"What?" said Andy.

"And it worked like a charm" said Chris.

Andy scoffed in disbelief. "Music. There's something I never thought would arrest anyone."

"Andy. Do you realize what your boyfriend has done for us?" said Chris.

"He trained himself to do all this. That's smarter than any rookie in history" said Gail.

"He's such an inspiration" said Traci.

"And you might do great like that if he joins the force in Wiggletown" said Dov.

"I'm not sure I'll do that" Jeremy giggled.

He looked at Andy and said, "Could I speak with you alone, luv?"

"Yeah" said Andy softly.

Jeremy led her outside and explained the talk he had with her dad.

"I thought he'd gotten over that. He told me about it years ago" said Andy.

"You know how dads are" said Jeremy.

"Except yours. Apparently he doesn't care who he loses" said Andy.

"But yours also told me about how I could spell out how much I love you" said Jeremy.


Jeremy handed Andy her poem saying, "For you."

Andy unfolded the paper and saw the poem he wrote.



Very dearly

Every minute 

Then she read the second one with her name.

Act of kindness

Noble minded



Andy had tears in her eyes by the time she finished reading them.

"This is how much you love me?" she said.

"Well... yes. If I didn't love you this much, I wouldn't have..." Jeremy began.

Before he could finish, Andy broke down and smashed her lips on his. 

Jeremy was so happy to have his girl back, he didn't hesitate to kiss back.

"Now I need to do that for you" said Andy. 

Jeremy laughed. "No you don't. I know how much you love me every time you risk your life for me."

Andy laughed back. "Is that why you wanted to risk your own life for me?" 

"Yes. I was avenging you, but also returning your favor" said Jeremy.

Andy let her tears fall. "We're gonna live happily ever after aren't we?"

"I'm gonna make sure of it, luv" said Jeremy putting his arm around her.

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