Chapter 6

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The next morning, Jeremy and Andy were driving down the road when they got to a beach.

"Stop here" said Andy.

"Why?" said Jeremy.

"Come on."

Andy led him to the shoreline and let a nostalgic tear roll down her face.

"What is it?" said Jeremy.

"This is the beach my dad used to take me to collect shells."

"It's lovely."

"Isn't it? But it was almost a crime scene one time."

"What happened?"

"My dad was accused of shooting someone and I came here looking for bullets" said Andy.

"He wasn't guilty, was he?" said Jeremy.


"Oh. Good."

"And now that he knows I'm getting married... he's fainting. What if there's some crime going on that he doesn't want us to know about?" said Andy.

Jeremy's heart jumped. "I... I dunno, Andy."

"Just when I thought everything was normal..." Andy sighed.

Just then, the next thing Jeremy heard was a gunshot and the next thing he saw was Andy collapsing into his arms!

"Oh, Andy!" Jeremy gasped.

He took out his flip-phone and called the cops, while feeling the irony that he was calling the cops about a cop.

The police arrived about half an hour later.

Chris, Gail, Dov and Traci saw that the victim was their friend and instantly sprung into action.

"Hang on, Andy" said Dov as he tried to seal the wound in Andy's back.

Traci approached Jeremy and put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, sugarcane?"

Jeremy couldn't answer through his terrified tears.

Chris and Gail looked for signs of the shooter, but they couldn't find anything. 

"Dispatch, this is Diaz, 1505. We need an ambulance ASAP" said Chris into his walkie-talkie. 

At the police's command, an ambulance was driven to the scene in almost an instant.

Andy was wheeled into the back and Jeremy stayed by her side.

The rest of Andy's friends followed the ambulance in the squad car. 

When they got to the hospital, Andy was put in a bed attached to wires and her back was bandaged hard. 

And all the while, Jeremy never let go of her hand. 

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