Chapter 10

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After a quick cup of coffee, Dov took Jeremy onto the streets of Toronto to start their policeman day.

"So. For your first day of rookie training, I can show you how to observe evidence" said Dov.

"Sounds interesting" said Jeremy.

"Or! Teach you how to pinpoint the locations of the case at hand" said Dov.

"That sounds interesting too" said Jeremy.

Now Dov was getting excited. "Wait a minute! I got it, I got it! Busting perpetrators! That's gonna come in handy when we bust Andy's shooter."

"Yes it is. Please teach me that; I just have to arrest that wanker" said Jeremy.

"Wanker?" said Dov.

"Idiot" said Jeremy.

"Oh. Wow, you brits have the best slang" said Dov. 

"Well, thank you very much, Officer Epstein" said Jeremy.

"Okay. The first thing to do is find a perpetrator to bust. It's very important" said Dov.

Jeremy laughed. "So important. Then we wouldn't be busting anyone, eh?" 

"God no" Dov laughed back. 

They didn't have to look very hard because they saw a masked man robbing a flower shop. 

"Stroke of luck, eh?" said Jeremy.

"Yeah. Come on" said Dov.

The two men ran after the guy. 

"And while you're running, you yell 'police.' And pretty much hope he listens" said Dov.

Jeremy nodded and continued to follow the crook.

"Police! Stop in the name of the law!" he shouted.

Pretty soon, they had the guy cornered. 

"We've got you crammed, you flower thief" said Jeremy through his teeth.

The crook recognized Jeremy's voice and face. "Is this some kind of joke? I'm getting busted by a musician?"

"That's right. And he and I are taking you in" said Dov.

He was about to tase the guy, but his taser wasn't working.

"Oh my god; the batteries are dead!" Dov grunted.

Then he noticed Jeremy shifting his gaze in various directions, looking like he was plotting something.

"What are you planning, Jeremy?" said Dov.

"I've got an idea. Are you in?" 

"You bet."

Jeremy faced the perpetrator with a cheeky grin.

"Y'know... you seem to have decided that robbing was the way to make your way in life."

"What else am I supposed to do? My only skills are riding motorcycles" said the perp. 

"Then perhaps the best way is to set out find your alternate self. A man with loads of skill" said Jeremy.

He turned to Dov and whispered "Just follow my lead."

Dov nodded as Jeremy sang to make his point. 

If there's no hospitality, just get out of town

You can't be light on formality and say (Dov: I guess I'll see you around)

You've got no obligations, nothing holding you down

Find a new situation and say (Dov: I guess I'll see you around)

You've got no time to spend on sentimentality

Get out and find yourself a brand new reality (Dov: Get out and find yourself)

both: A brand new reality, a particle duality

A new dimensionality

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah (Dov: I guess I'll see you around)

Sometimes it's appropriate to stop for a snack

If you do, then I hope you get back (Dov: I guess I'll see you around)

Hopping clockwise through dimensions is a dangerous thing

But it seems to help a lot of we sing

Dov: And we can sing about

both: A brand new reality, a brand new reality

A brand new reality (Dov: I guess I'll see you around)

A brand new reality, a brand new reality

A brand new reality (Jeremy: I guess I'll see you around)

A brand new reality, a brand new reality

A brand new reality (Dov: I guess I'll see you around)

A brand new reality, a brand new reality

A brand new reality

I guess I'll see you around

While the perp was distracted by the singing, Jeremy turned him around and handcuffed him. 

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