Chapter 5

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Tommy was rushed to the hospital and Jeremy and Andy waited for news.

"So how did it end with Paul?" said Andy.

"Meg thought he had a heart attack, but it was merely a fainting spell from the joy" said Jeremy.

"Thank god. Or else, I'd be concerned about him. Who has a heart attack after hearing their friend's getting married?" said Andy.

"Well, everyone was concerned about Paul at the time. Until he told Chad he wasn't what he used to be" said Jeremy.

"What did he used to be?" said Andy with curiosity. 

"A sick, jealous and threatening boyfriend. It's why Meg broke up with him" said Jeremy.

"Good. Now he has a wife with a similar past. At least that's what I've heard" said Andy.

"You heard correct."

The doctor came out just then. 

"He's shaken up, but he's fine. No danger" he said.

"What do you mean shaken up?" said Andy.

"For whatever reason, he's had a pretty good scare."

"A good scare?"

"That's what we've found. Make sure he gets a good sleep tonight" said the doctor.

Jeremy and Andy brought Tommy home and put him to bed, following doctor's orders.

"Sir, the doctor said you had a scare" said Jeremy.

"Yeah. It's not for you to worry about, fella. I want you to marry my daughter without worrying about me" said Tommy.

"But that's no way to treat my future father-in-law" said Jeremy.

"Yeah, Dad; please tell us what scared you" said Andy.

"I can't right now, Andy; not when I just met the other man in your life" said Tommy.


"Luv, he has a point. Let's let him sleep for now" said Jeremy.

Andy sadly nodded and strode out the door with her man. 

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