Chapter 30 'Jenna'

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As Mr. Davis approached with his unsettling grin, tension filled the room. Andrew's expression didn't move.

"Wait . . . Mr. Davis?" I asked, completely confused by him being here. "Our history teacher?"

Mr. Davis chuckled darkly, his eyes locked onto Andrew. "Oh, Andrew here has always been a thorn in my side. He's been trying to stop me for years."

My head started spinning even faster as I desperately tried to piece together what was happening. "Stop you from what? What's happening?"

Both men hesitated, as if deciding how much they wanted to reveal to me right now. Finally, Mr. Davis leaned in closer, his voice dropping to just above a whisper. "Mrs. Avery, I'm about to reveal a plan that will change everything, and you have a crucial role to play."

I looked from Mr. Davis to Andrew, torn between wanting to trust the two of them and wanting to throw a brick at their face. "What plan? What role?"

"This was going to be our house," Mr. Davis said walking around the basement, completely ignoring my questions. "We were going to get married and start a family here. Make this into our dream house. The big backyard where the kids could play, and the kitchen table where we would eat together as a family every night. It was going to be home."

     "Look," I tried to say firmly, but my voice just had to crack in the middle. "Just untie me and we can talk about this, ok? Just let me ok. I'm sure that all this can be worked out."

     Mr. Davis laughed. He actually laughed at me!

     "Oh Addison," he said softly, shaking his head at me. "I can't let you go. Like I said, you play a very crucial role in helping us to get revenge."

     "I can talk to Xavier," I repeated my same point. "I can talk to him and we can work this out. No one has to get hurt."

     Even in the darkness of the room, I could see the fury in Mr. Davis' eyes.

   "There is no other way," he seethed at me. "This is it. What part about that don't you understand, Mrs. Avery? There is no other way."

     Behind me, Andrew didn't say anything. My heart was sinking deeper and deeper at every passing second.

      How did this become my life?

     "What. . ." My voice shook as I tried to get the words out. "What is my role? You said that it was important, but you didn't say what it was. So what is it?"

      As afraid as I was to know the answer, I knew that I had to ask.

     "It's simple," Mr. Davis shrugged. "Xavier took everything from me, everything that I cared out, everything that I had to live for — so I'm going to do the same thing to him."

     My heart dropped at his words.


     There was no way.

     He wouldn't.

     "I'm sure that you know all about soulmates, Mrs. Avery," he raised an eyebrow at me.

There was no use denying anything at this point.

"I do."

"Then you should know that in the werewolf world finding your soulmate is the most important thing, and once a wolf finds their other half they can't stand to live without them."

I did not like where this was going.

     Like at all.

     Mr. Davis took my silence as an answer and kept going.

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