Chapter 3 'Ivy Knows Best'

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Why did I choose biology? Honestly, what was I thinking and why didn't anyone try and stop me? It's only my first day of class; I already hate it and want to drop out.

Stupid school making me have to take a science class in order to graduate.

I mean, would chemistry or physics really be any better? At least in biology, I don't have to worry about accidentally mixing the wrong two things together and blowing myself up.

And I love my eyebrows way too much to burn them off.

The teacher, Mr. Jensen, was so incredibly borning. I swear that he could put a screaming baby to sleep just by the way he talks. All he did was drone on and on about something that I didn't care about while reading directly off of a PowerPoint slide that I also didn't care about.

My lab partner, whoever they were, were all absent today so I was even more bored. But at least Mr. Jensen didn't make me introduce myself to the class, he just handed me a textbook that looked like it would fall apart if I breathed on it wrong.

I was half asleep at my desk listening to Mr. Jensen's lecture on, so that when the bell finally rang for lunch it made me jump out of my seat, knocking over my backpack and spilling it all over the floor. Great.

I was already nervous about being late to meet Ivy at lunch and this really didn't help.

I scrambled to cram everything back into my backpack as fast as I could, saying a silent 'thank you' at the fact that my ancient textbook didn't break apart.

By the time I got everything back in my bag, the classroom was empty, even Mr. Jensen had left.

Luckily my biology classroom was close to the cafeteria, not that anything could be considered far apart at this school.

True to her word Ivy was standing beside the cafe doors, looking off into space confused.

"Hey!" I called out once I was close enough. "Sorry I'm late, I accidentally knocked my backpack over during class and of course, all my stuff went everywhere."

"Why do I feel like I shouldn't be surprised?" Ivy laughed. "It's fine, Grayson and Xaiver are running late too. Like always." She rolled her eyes.

Ivy pushed open the cafeteria's double doors and made a beeline for the table, with me following close behind.

It was a little weird, everything seemed to make way for her at once. Like, people that were about to step out in front of her, or even cut her off, they just stopped. Just stood there and waited for her to quickly walk past them before they continued. Maybe she's popular? That would explain the alight air of importance I felt earlier. Still weird though.

Ivy lead us to a round table in the very middle of the room where three other people were already sitting and talking.

"Guys, this is Addison," Ivy announced once we reached the table. "Obviously she's new here, and I thought that it would be nice if she ate lunch with us. I really think that you'll like her," she emphasized her words.

The girl with black hair raised one of her eyebrows slightly at Ivy's words and then glanced over at me before nodding. Her eyes seemed to glaze over just for a second before they went back to normal.

"Addison this is Audrey, Brad, and Cecelia," she pointed at each person.

Audrey had long, strawberry-blonde hair and flashed me a warm smile. Brad looked like Brad. He had brown hair that was buzzed down and was even wearing some kind of workout shirt that showed his muscles more than it hid them. Did all the guys here just work out in their free time?

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