Chapter 2 'First Day'

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      Maybe my first day at this new school would have gone so much better if I didn't, somehow, manage to sleep through all ten of my alarms. And! If I didn't literally fall off of my bed from being so startled by the sound of my mom knocking on my door and barging into my room to wake me up. 

      "Addie, wake up! You're going to be late!" My mom basically yelled as she barged into my room. "Oh, honey. . ." her tone completely changed once she saw me wrapped up in my blanket on the floor looking dazed and confused.

      "Good morning to you too," I muttered. 

     My mom reached her hands down to help pull me up off my bedroom floor, trying to hide her laugh as she did so. 

     "I would drive you to school this morning but I have to be at my new job early to fill out some paperwork, and I don't want to be late," she explained. "At least one of us should be on time for their first day."

     "I love you. Have a good day and make sure to be on time for both of us," I kissed her cheek softly and pulled away, jerking my head to my open bedroom door as a signal for her to leave so that I could get dressed. 

     "I love you, Addison," she said on her way out of my room.

     With that, I quickly got dressed, grabbing, what I hoped was a half-decent outfit out of the clothes thrown around my room—pulling everything on as fast as I could, brushing my teeth and hair at the same while I also tried to simultaneously put my socks and shoes on. 

     This was not going well.

     I had barely managed to save myself from falling down the stairs as I shove my left foot into my right foot's boot. I was sure that I looked like a red, sweaty mess as I finally got out the door and started speed walking to school. 

     Thank god that my new high school was just a few blocks away and not on the other side of the city like my last one was. 

      This at least gave me a few seconds to pull out my phone and smooth down my hair in the front camera before walking through the school's front door.

      Of course, I was late on my first day, I mean, why not? It was just my luck.

     The school was small. Way smaller than my old one, it looked like it was only one story tall, and I was almost positive that my old school's parking lot was bigger than this whole school.

     Luckily it only took me a few seconds to find the office as it was just to the side after I entered through the front door. There was only one lady typing away at a computer and nothing else. 

     "Hi, I'm Addison Avery, it's my first day," I said a little nervously as I fidgeted with the straps on my backpack. 

     "Yes, of course!" She exclaimed way too happy for my liking. "I have your schedule, locker number, and everything else right here for you, Dear." She passed me a few sheets of paper and used her pen to circle where each of my classes and locker were on the small map. 

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