Chapter 12.

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The smell of the fresh spray paint when it connects with the wall, the sound of Minas laugh and the feeling of nighttime cool air against your arms and neck.

It's enough for a perfect afternoon, a perfect lifetime. For a few moments you forget you're sick.

"What are you thinking about?" Mina turns back on her heels, a wide smile showing off her white teeth.
I let out a sigh and smile, giving her a shrug as I join her on top of the box she's standing on to boost her up.

The tiny platform forces us to stand face to face together and chests bumping into eachother.
Mina let's out a giggle and puts her arms around my waist to stay balanced.

I take the can out of her hand and begin adding highlights to her art, just to help her out, her first time doing a tag, it only took her a week to decide on a name.

"Hey!" She pouts and grabs the can back.
"What? I was just helping!" I smile and lean my head into her neck, she wraps an arm around my back and finishes off her tag.

She gets off the box and I follow, looking back proudly at her work.

"It's beautiful" I smile contently as we look at it together.
"Thank you for doing this with me" Mina nods and looks over at me.

"Of course" I look back at her and then to her work.
"Not bad, Newby" I tease softly as I begin to pack away the cans into my bag, Mina hums in response as she takes her phone out and takes a quick photo.

I sling the bag over my shoulder and in that moment the blue lights turn on from the bottom of the alleyway.

"Oh shit-" I grab Minas hand as the police car door slams shut and a loud "Hey!" Echos.

Mina squeals and grips her nails into my arm as we fly down the alleyway and over a small wall.
Mina keeps a tight hold of me while I pull her up a neighbouring hill and behind a tree.

I push Minas body up against the tree and put my hand over her mouth as a torch runs by us panting out of breath.
I remove my hand away from Minas mouth and look up at her.

Her face is all shades of red and her breath hitches slightly, i put it down to the running.

"Chae" she squeaks slightly as I lean my body away from her.
"He should be gone now, come on" I go to turn and feel an arm grip my wrist and pull me back to my former position, against her chest.

"Chae" she laughs softly and looks down at me slightly, I give Mina a confused look.

"It's fine, he's not around anymore, let's go before he gets back" I say softly, whispering incase he's still nearby.
"No, Chae" she laughs again and just pulls me into a kiss.

I jolt slightly, still nervous whenever our lips meet, still shocked that I get to be this way with Mina.

Our hands find eachother and intertwine as Mina leans back against the tree with a smile and rosey cheeks.

I look down at our feet and the way our knees are pressed together, my baggy ripped jeans swaying in the wind and Minas white tennis skirt swaying along with the rips and how she has a scar just above her knee.

"I love you, Son Chaeyoung.." She whispers softly and pulls me into a hug.

Those words will never get old, as long as they come from her.
"I love you, Myoui Mina" I cup her cheek softly then smile.

"Come on, that's another one off the bucketlist." I smile as me and Mina come out from behind the tree and head back towards the car parked a few miles away from the alley.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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