Chapter 3.

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It's been 2 weeks since the diagnosis, I've been in and out of the hospital for the start of the end, the treatment is already a pain in the ass, they poke and pry at me with needles and other medical thingies that I don't know the names of.

My parents are clearly worried about me but they act like everything's okay, they argue more when Jeong Huns not around, they don't want him to find out, he's beginning to notice somethings wrong so I encourage him to hang out with his girlfriend and friends more often.
I miss when we would hang out at the weekends but I'm just too tired now. I barely leave my room.

"Uhm..hello!-" a voice breaks me out of my train of though, I look up and see a dark haired beauty infront me, I forgot I was in the waiting room.

"I'm Myoui Mina, my Mom said I should say hello.." the girl twirls her hair around her finger in a nervous manner.

"Son Chaeyoung, nice to meet you" i fake a smile and put my hand out, the girl moves her hair and I get a clear view of her face, it's her. From the day I got the news.

She shakes my hand and signals at the seat next to me, I nod and she sits down.
"You're...also a cancer patient right?" She asks
"Yeah, lung cancer" i nod
"Thyroid" Myoui Mina replies and looks over at me

"How old are you Son Chaeyoung?" She asks
"16" I look over at her
"Oh! I'm 17" she smiles "finally someone in the ward who's my age" she chuckles.

How can someone be so happy at a time like this.
I sigh and she looks visibly confused
"Is something wrong Son Chaeyoung?" She asks
"Chaeyoungs fine.." I smile and take my headphones out of my pocket, putting them in my ears.

She frowns and looks away, she's too much already.
So talkative, she should be more quiet in the waiting room. I look around, it is only us but still, what if there was an old woman waiting on her husband and she's acting all happy.
I sigh and take my headphones out, it's not her fault I'm like this now.

"Do you go to school around here?" I ask, her eyes light up

"Yeah, The near by arts and dance school, JY academy." She replies
No way. I tried so hard to get into there.
"Cool, I tried to get into there but I didn't get in..ha." I try to sound happy
"Where do you go?" She smiles
"Seoul High.." I whisper the name of my school out of embarrassment, it's nothing compared to JY.

"No way! My sister goes there!" She jumps in her seat
"Sana? Myoui Sana?" She says the name.

"You're Sanas sister?..." I look in shock.
Myoui Sana is failing almost every class and is one of the mean popular girls along with Nayeon and Jeongyeon. There's no way she's related to Myoui Mina, They are nothing alike.

"She's in my friend Dahyuns class, she's...nice..." I lie and Mina chuckles
"She's not very sweet don't Lie Chaeyoung" I join in with minas laugh, have I miss judged her?
Could we be friends?.

"Yeah, Sanas...mean.." I laugh and Mina nods
"She is!, my parents think she's an Angel!"
"Same with my brother!"
The door to one of the offices open and Mina sighs
"I better get going, that's my parents...Chaeyoung can I get your phone number?" She asks

I nod and she hands me her phone, I quickly enter my phone number and hand her phone back, we exchange a goodbye and I continue to wait on my parents.

A few moments later which built up like an eternity my parents exit the office and say their goodbyes to the doctors before making their way over to me.

"We have things to discuss what's going on, Jeong Hun has to know." I hear my parents whispering back and forth before they meet me.
"Good news Chae! We can afford all the treatment for the next few months." My dad smiles and puts his hand out to help me up.
"I don't see the point, I'm dying either way." I ignore his hand and stand up on my own, walking away from them. Leaving my parents standing in shock.

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