Chapter 10.

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~I Wish You Liked Girls - Abbey Glover

"Don't you look beautiful darling!" My mother shouts when she sees me walk down the stairs, ready for the dance.

I decided to wear a suit, dresses have never really been my thing, I have never been a dress or skirt type of girl, especially not now.

"Beautiful?" I scoff as I fix my hair to cover a patch of my head that is missing a bit of hair, in my left pocket I've put in a beanie just to be safe.

"Stunning." My father walks out of the kitchen and into the hall, greeting me with a loving smile as he pulls me into a bear hug.
"My beautiful daughter."

I smile against his chest and then pull away, he takes my hand and we walk into the kitchen together.

"You look awesome sis, handsome like" Jeong-Hun teasingly pinches my cheek with a cheeky smile on his face.
"More handsome than you, of course" i smirk and punch his arm.

The whole family laughs and it feels as if once more we're a normal family who do normal things. A normal family who's daughter isn't dying with lung cancer.

"Where's Mina? Is she your date?" Jeong smiles as he boosts himself onto the kitchen counter, my mother shoots him a look and he rolls his eyes and jumps back off.

Mina, she hasn't messaged me all day. She probably hates me now, i probably fucked our relationship up after confessing my none existent feelings to her.

"She's with her date" I smile and pick up and apple and take a bite.
Jeong-Hun nods understandingly and leans against the counter.

"Going to the dance with Dahyun and Tzuyu?" He asks curiously, i forget that his year group isn't invited because they're finishing up exams and should be busy with revision.

I nod and chew the apple in my mouth.
The door bell rings and my father rushes to answer it, I hear the chatter of compliments and thanks and then the tall girl and short girl appear in the door frame.

Dahyun is wearing a soft yellow dress that falls just below her knees, its almost princess like.
Tzuyu is wearing a baby blue dress with a floral print.

They both look stunning.

They run towards the kitchen and embrace me, telling me how perfect I look and how I'll almost certainly get a boyfriend looking like this.

Once I finally escape the tight hug and can finally breath again I talk.

"We better get heading, it's already 6" the girls nod and my father grabs his car keys knowing that he is the designated driver.

We say goodbye to my mother and Jeong-Hun and are finally on our way to the dance.

Thoughts flooded of the black haired girl fill me, the night was all blurry until the moment in her car and it felt as if the words coming out of my mouth weren't mine, like I had no control of my body, it was terrifying.

All I remember is saying it then walking through my house door, I woke up today without a hangover, like after that moment any alcohol in my system was flushed out with shock and horror.

I reach to my pocket and pick out my phone, dumb enough to open Instagram.
Of course the first photo to come up is a picture of Mina and her date holding hands, his account is tagged but I'm smart enough to not let my curiosity get the best of me, from the photo she's posted I already know everything I need to know.

He's perfect for her.

I turn my phone off and put it back in my pocket as my father arrives outside of the main entrance of the school.

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