Chapter 11.

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"The cancer has spread" The doctor sighs slightly, showing my parents a chart of something, I've stopped listening in, I understand that I'm dying.

"What can we do? What are we paying you for?" My father huffs and runs his hand through his hair, the only time him and my mother are in the same room is when they're bringing me to an appointment.

"The treatment is working but the cells are multiplying so quickly that-" My father cuts the doctor off by standing up and grabbing his lighter and cigarette from his pocket, he leaves the room without another word, I look at my mother who lets out a defeated sigh.

"Go to the waiting area." She allows and without hesitation I get up and leave the room, my phone is flooded with notifications from Mina, earning a small happy grin from me.

Just cute things such as:
"Morning!, howd you sleep?"
"I miss you?"
"When is your appointment over?"

I lean back in my chair in the waiting room as I work through the messages with a reply to each one. It's been a week since the dance and since we kissed, we haven't made things official and we definitely don't want to rush but I can't help but feel horrible for the known fact that I won't always be here, one day I'll leave Mina.

I wince at the thought and just put my phone away, not wanting to think about it, right now I'm happy, my wrist would say other wise but I am happy.

My father walks back in from an exit nearby and walks over to me, taking a seat next to me and leaning against the metal pole inbetween us.

"You have to get better." He grunts as he looks away, staring at a wall with motivational posters.

"You can't cure Terminal Cancer, there wouldn't be much point to the terminal part." I joke, rolling my eyes and looking at my father who just chuckles and wraps his arm around me.

"You're our family's ball of joy, and the glue. You stick us together, thank you" he kisses my forehead, conforming my suspicions, my family doesn't know me.

My phone pings and it's Mina asking if she can pick me up and if I can stay the weekend so we can tick some bucketlist things off.
I agree and tell her to get me at the hospital.

I look at my father who's eyes are heavy and dark and he looks his he's aged about 20 years since my diagnosis.

"My friends picking me up" I finally break the silence, he nods and smiles at me.

I stand up and make my way to the front exit which is a bit of a walk from my ward, I think back to everything that had been talked about in that meeting, being taken into the hospital to be monitored and ultimately having to stay there for god knows how long.

I snap out of my thoughts when I arrive at the main exit and already see Minas parked car in the front, my heart skips a beat as I approach the car and see the black haired girl applying her strawberry chapstick I have became acquainted with.

"Hi" I open the passenger door and get inside her lavish car, she smiles and leans over, pecking me on the lips and then leaning back to her seat.

"Hey" she smiles as I buckle my seatbelt with a red tint on my cheeks.
"Where are we going?" I ask, trying to avoid the topic of my embarrassment.

"Pick a number we have left" she smiles as she reverses the car and begins to drive.
I sigh, Mina mesmerised the bucketlist and I have not yet, she has a photographic memory, I find it quite impressive.

"What do we have left?" I ask, a cough catching in my throat, i try to hold it back but I can't, my body jolts and I begin to cough, I raise my hand to my mouth to be nice and not get minas car covered in spit.

THE BUCKETLIST -Michaeng. Where stories live. Discover now